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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
7/10/2019 6:48:40 PM

Forum Feedback

Hey all, Pinning this to the Destiny 2 forum, as I'm currently looking through some feedback on our forums and structure. I recently did a quick tweet asking players who may not visit the forums here on some questions, as I'd love to make this place more appealing for the broad community. Now, I'm looking for feedback from those who are on here more frequently, namely you! This isn't a question of what we can do better in terms of making in-game changes to Destiny 2. My goals here are to get some thoughts from you on the current state of our forums. If you could answer the following, it'd be much appreciated. [quote]• What do you find most important to your browsing experience? • Do you find yourself frequently engaging with forums, or more often browsing associated media/group messaging apps for information/discussion? (Think Twitter, Discord, Youtube, etc) • What changes would you like to see that would make the forums a more welcoming place for community engagement?[/quote]



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  • [quote]• What do you find most important to your browsing experience?[/quote] Information on the state of the game and players. What's hot, what's not. Strategies. Complaints. TWAB. [quote]• Do you find yourself frequently engaging with forums, or more often browsing associated media/group messaging apps for information/discussion? (Think Twitter, Discord, Youtube, etc)[/quote] I look at several of those. The Forbes articles are entertaining sometimes. [quote]• What changes would you like to see that would make the forums a more welcoming place for community engagement?[/quote] Engaement from staff. Actually listen to what people are saying instead of glossing over it with a pretense that it's all negative. Some stuff is but some things are really problems that get ignored.



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  • I saw mention of Mod for LFG. Great idea. Sometimes lower salt content from users would help. It would also help me personally if I could find game tips on here. Maybe include curated YouTube playlists for activity tutorials or tips and tricks to get newer players engaged in more difficult activities. If matchmaking will never fully be utilized, then at least help newbs get directed towards the best strategies and loadouts for endgame. Coming to the forums should make the game more accessible via learning more stuff about the game.



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  • Old would be nice. Here's a list for the last question you had. Other two aren't really relevant to me. - Pinning topics more often - User titles and good behavior rewards - Active watch for meme spamming/copypasta/flaming - Disembodied Soul still around? - More presence in the Help forum



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  • You need a better appeal process for when someone gets banned. I've received bans on multiple occasions for posts that were within the rules as I understand them. Because there's no appeal process, I had to sit out my time, time that I quite honestly didn't deserve to lose.



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  • Now everyone leave strikes gambit etc because of this bounty that you cant die.



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  • LittleLightにより編集済み: 7/11/2019 3:12:43 AM
    I think that as of now, the forums are quite well. However, I think that the gaming subforum should return because many people in offtopic just do not talk about gaming and it basically seems as though discussions about other games are almost gone completely. [spoiler]Also, don'tdo anything to off topic. The flood has gone through many changes already.[/spoiler]



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  • dmg04 You make some valid points and i agree that eververse must be removed from this game but, Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold Reply



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    • Sturm with no Drangにより編集済み: 7/11/2019 2:35:05 AM
      It’s quite simple, if we’re just talking about the forums. [i][b]1: No unfair discrimination/bias towards posts.[/b][/i] [spoiler]In particular, from mods/ninjas. I’m not talking about moving posts into the appropriate subforums. I mean locking and the sort with little explanation or lack thereof. There has to be a better design akin to a strike system that gets looked at and further defines exactly what is viewed as appropriate, but there also needs to be a design that can help us flag posts that clearly don’t belong on the subforums. Like certain posts and the like soliciting certain services that should’ve been clearly outcasted and shunned about a year ago. You know the ones.[/spoiler] [i][b]2: A less compressed forum that offers a slew of subforums for users to sample from, just like we had in the distant past.[/b][/i] [spoiler]For instance, a hints and tips subforum for players looking for answers here and there in the game(which will be especially helpful for the newer players joining us), a subforum dedicated towards finding bugs(let’s be honest here, the Community does the majority of playtesting for Bungie as is) and accruing feedback towards what needs to be looked at, an ideas subforum that can give Bungie an idea of what kind of armor and weapons we want to see in the future and just why it is absolutely necessary that we [i]need[/i] a heavy flamethrower weapon to let loose fiery destruction upon the enemies of mankind.[/spoiler] [i][b]3: More instances of just this.[/b][/i] [spoiler]You will always get flak from people who disagree with certain changes in the game, but it still means a tonne’s worth to just simply have an interaction with the CMs and anyone who actually serves as an extension of Bungie in any regard because it’s actual proof that you’re [i][b]”listening.”[/b][/i] The Community eats that stuff up like starved man doubling down at a Golden Corral. Give us more of just that and you can vastly improve the morale on[/spoiler] [i][b]4: Honestly, just redoing a lot of unsavory things that were changed in the past could make this place better, except Fireteam Finder. (Just keep adding onto it, it’s in a good place.)[/b][/i]



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    • well first . i would like to see you guys take a stand on a issue and not relent from it . stop with the haves vs have not idea that has been eating at this game since D1



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    • EnthusiasticRobotにより編集済み: 7/11/2019 2:11:23 AM
      I would like to be able to say [b]C[/b]assette



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    • Will this be like the core discussion? When we give feedback in the thousands, and you pretty much do what you want anyway.



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    • 1. No Destiny 2 posts in offtopic 2. No Destiny 2 posts in offtopic 3. No Destiny 2 posts in offtopic [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]



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      • Helveckにより編集済み: 7/11/2019 1:46:16 AM
        More Dragons. In all seriousness though structure-wise, things seem pretty good and are overall fairly easy to navigate. I think there are too many subforums though. Which on the employee side of things I would assume it makes navigating and filtering through items a bit more practical/easier when compartmentalizing assistance, but most users I don't really think need to see 11 variations of a "Help" forum, 4 different Companion app forums, and 5 Destiny 2 forums (At least how it appears in the Companion). It just seems like unnecessary clutter. Even with the dropdown menus for the many forums on the desktop site, the design seems unnecessary. Why have direct links to different pages under one banner when you could just go to one forum that holds all thos topics. Too much noise you might argue? Well my suggestion would be having those primary forums centralized, so in a similar way to the old layout (yes I'm still insiting the old forum layout had some superior aspects) you would have say for example 6 primary forums: Destiny 1 Destiny 2 Community Gaming Off topic Companion Within these forums have all topics grouped together, but in a clean and clear side menu, the user can filter forums such as Destiny 2 by "Feedback", "Rewards", "All", etc. Maybe even colour code the primary tags designated for that forum so when creating a topic, people have the option to click preset tags that will help pinpoint their topic when another user enters the forum and only wants to see "Feedback" topics for example. This way too, if someone enters a forum and creates a topic but doesn't see a relevant preset tag in that forum area, - while they may still make their own - they may realize based on the preset ones clearly available to them, that their topic belongs somewhere else. This may help alleviate people posting in the incorrect forums. This brings me to The Community Forum. A lot of people previously misused The Community Forum or did not understand its purpose. It was basically the runoff for people not having their clan ads succeeding elsewhere, or new people need help and thinking "The Community" was another term of "People who will help me because I have no idea where to start." It just seems like such a staple to now be without. It would be nice if there was a way to see if it served some purpose again. Maybe not a huge one, but it did serve a purpose before, so I'm inclined to believe it least some would find a use for it. Lastly, I also feel like somehow incentivizing quality posts and overall positive contributions could lead to more thoughtful and fruitful discussion on a broader spectrum. I don't particularly enjoy recommending this, as I don't like the idea of having to encourage people to act intelligently, appropriately or constructively in exchange for receiving something in return as a result. Afterall, it could then be theorized that their actions and forum persona are disingenuous thus cheapening and making hollow the interactions had between one another. But, seeing as how incentives are a form of positive reinforcement, I'm somewhat inclined to believe that incentivizing some types of actions here would create an element of focus. And with focus, people begin to observe the boundaries given to them as opposed to ignoring them or constantly trying to operate outside of them, out of fear of losing what they've gained. I have no idea what those incentives could or should be, but maybe it's a concept worth exploring? A variation of a title system? Exclusive in-game content? achievements? Also, hammocks.



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      • Fix blind well on console going into day 3.



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      • Personally, it would be nice to see a sort of brief TWAB but for the forums, a TWOTF- This Week On The Forums- if you will. Not something incredibly long winded so it would take a vast time to create, but something acknowledging the highlights of the forum posts for a given week and any feedback from the team on what they think of said posts- be it good or bad. Would be nice to have more open, conversationally driven relationship with you guys.



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      • Most important is any infomation that pertains to changes within the game. Or posts like this that asks for direct feedback on issues being discussed. Biggest issue on these forums is a complete lack of moderation. That needs to change as this will make posting legit feedback more accessible. Now a legit post can be buried by shit posts about nothing. Bnet has allot of trolls that have forced a number of quality ppl off the forums completely. Thats just unacceptable. Thanks for asking!



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      • [quote]• What do you find most important to your browsing experience?[/quote] seeing staff replies to every post on the forum [quote]• Do you find yourself frequently engaging with forums, or more often browsing associated media/group messaging apps for information/discussion? ([/quote] both [quote]• What changes would you like to see that would make the forums a more welcoming place for community engagement?[/quote] more dev/community manager interaction. You guys only relpy when you feel like it , you say very little, often ignore the bulk of posts made on the forum, and almost never act like your part of the community, you make it feel like a job and not something you actually like doing.



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        3 通の返信
        • I’d like to see more Bungie reps on the forum. Devs, community managers, whatever. More than just the “ we will look into it “ interactions. Some insights would go a long way to shutting down many of the complaining posts, but have Some banter, have a laugh, be part of the discussions etc. as well. I appreciate this invites a fair amount of salt to be directed at you (and they probably have an actual job too) but I’d like to see more of you, and more from you, in your own forum space 👍🏻 Also, buff warlocks 🤙🏻



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        • I think the layout and ease of use is most important. I would like to be able to sort the forum posts by "newest posted" as opposed to "newest commented on". I only engage news and information on Destiny 2 and Bungie through unless someome specifically tells me where an interesting article is. Forbes, YouTube, Kotaku, etc. If I would change anything else about the Companion App/Forums/LFG other than the sort options mentioned above, I would like to have a space available in the Fireteams section to post a small description instead of trying to cram it all in the title. Also, more of these community feedback requests would be really cool.



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        • Bring back title bars



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        • Just the forums or are we talking about the app and Your app is legit except one thing, it’s so slow I often want to put a bullet in my foot



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          • Looks like Bungie is tryin to get rid of the forums on the app huh? Probably a good idea. There’s virtually no moderation, Ninjas are extremely bias, LFG is full of paid carries etc. Everyone knows Bungie only responds to Reddit, twitter and discord. You got rid of gaming, purged Off topic, so deep down just come out and say you’re trying to get us to give Bungie a reason to keep these forums. Well I personally can’t give you any. This is just a place for people to vent, troll and argue.



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            1 返信
            • Personally I think people should git gud



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              • Just remove double kills from Mountaintop quest.



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              • - A great search tool. - Mainly this app. - Better moderation.



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              • Personally, I would love a section that we could ask the people at Bungie something directly. I get that that is pretty much what the Feedback section is all about. However, I think it would be awesome if we could ask questions about lore and game mechanics (among other things) to the Devs and people at Bungie directly, so they could all interact and answer questions to get more involved with the players. Tell me what you think



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