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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
7/10/2019 6:48:40 PM

Forum Feedback

Hey all, Pinning this to the Destiny 2 forum, as I'm currently looking through some feedback on our forums and structure. I recently did a quick tweet asking players who may not visit the forums here on some questions, as I'd love to make this place more appealing for the broad community. Now, I'm looking for feedback from those who are on here more frequently, namely you! This isn't a question of what we can do better in terms of making in-game changes to Destiny 2. My goals here are to get some thoughts from you on the current state of our forums. If you could answer the following, it'd be much appreciated. [quote]• What do you find most important to your browsing experience? • Do you find yourself frequently engaging with forums, or more often browsing associated media/group messaging apps for information/discussion? (Think Twitter, Discord, Youtube, etc) • What changes would you like to see that would make the forums a more welcoming place for community engagement?[/quote]



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  • Thanks to all who've chimed in. I'll be processing this feedback over the next few days and speaking with the team on what is actionable! Cheers, -dmg



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  • I'm probably too late to this thread, but I the "Community" forum needs to come back.



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  • Get farmed #livestock



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  • I think we should incentivize proper behaviour. There’s proper ways to post feedback and have a civilized discussion, this often doesn’t happen. I’m not saying we go back to forum titles as this definitely had some negative side effects, but I feel there should be some type of change. What happened to players being able to use their emblems for avatars? That was sweet and it allowed for more customization. Some players would even be able to have more rare emblems / avatars if they were tied to rare in game activities. I’d like to get rid of the downvote option. This can just lead to negativity. Instead, if players agree with a topic they can upvote it, it not, leave it be. That said, I’d like to see the option to favourite a post for later separated from upvote option. I want to save some threads for later for reason, without giving them an upvote. With the current system I have to downvote them to remove them from my favourites too.



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    36 通の返信
    • I guess there's some form of consistency here as many of the flame posts are either down voted to Oblivion somehow or just taken down. I see a lot of healthy "what do you think about XYZ?" posts. It's a big relief as people just suck at making a post and not sounding crazy/angry/miserable. I wish there was an algorithm that scanned your words and warned you to alter your verbiage to clear up a bit of the negativity. Going blam is [i]okay[/i] but when it's blaming blammed blam blam you'd think the guy should [b][i]just not post[/i][/b] or the post should be deleted and the thread owner should be told to take 10 minutes to breathe. That's too ideal. God forbid people take responsibility for being irate and talking.



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    • I'm not sure if you are still taking feedback on here, but someone had what I consider an excellent idea to keep these forums more on track and relevant to the gameplay. You all should add a strategies section specifically for the purpose of helping people understand encounters, what to do, and how best to prepare for them. A game theory section would also be nice to discuss ideas with easter eggs and random puzzles in the game.



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    • [i]What do you find most important to your browsing experience?[/i] The ability to keep track of discussions and threads. Which is sorely lacking from these forums (Outside notifications of replies via the Companion App) I don't generally like to make a post and then forget the thread ever existed. But would rather like to keep an eye on where the discussion has gone after I made my post. So some kind of visual cue for you having posted in a thread and that there are new posts in said thread since your last visit. Maybe even the ability to get notifications to my Forum profile? Not just the Companion App. [i]Do you find yourself frequently engaging with forums, or more often browsing associated media/group messaging apps for information/discussion? (Think Twitter, Discord, Youtube, etc)[/i] Uhhh... For information I use Google/YT... For discussion, definitely prefer Forums. But then again, I'm weird and like using dedicated forums instead of *Shudders* Social Media. [i] What changes would you like to see that would make the forums a more welcoming place for community engagement?[/i] More defined subforums would be nice. Instead of a big old mixing pot of everything... Have subforums for PvP discussion (Break it down to Gambit and Crucible if you want too), for PvE discussion, for Suggestions etc. Just to tidy things up, so if someone doesn't want to wade through 1000 threads of people crying about how broken PvP is, they don't need to. Or if someone wants to cry about how broken PvP is, they can find the ideal place to add their thoughts!



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    • Could you ban the people trying to make money off of “carrying” people to get Luna’s, NF, etc? It’s flooding lfgs and are mainly scams I saw a website try to con $159 just to get to Fabled for the buyer



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      10 通の返信
      • Fix you’re game first, then let’s talk about forums



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      • Who cares. Fix the game Phuk the forums



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        2 通の返信
        • Viltreにより編集済み: 7/17/2019 6:59:26 AM
          So, I've been out of the loop for a long while and just started browsing here again. From my perspective, here are a few things I would consider doing to improve the site. First, I personally dislike the expanded Reddit-like format. With the format it feels really generic. While moving away from the white background was an improvement, removing a forum background makes the place feel boring. Second, avatars. Few things to note here. The first is that they are too small and feels like their limited size removes individuality in the forums. The old version of Bnet had avatars at a default size of 90 x 90. Returning to a size like this would be an improvement. The other thing to note, I personally would like to see a return of using destiny emblems as avatars, for both Destiny 1 and 2. It was saddening that support was removed for D1 and it was never implemented for D2. Considering we have been able to use Halo emblem avatars dating all the way back to Halo 2, it doesn't make sense that we cannot use Destiny emblems from both games. Third, I have noticed that people post things in the wrong spot a lot. A few reasons I feel attribute to this. All topics is the default when clicking on the community tab and going to forums. When I click on a thread and read it, to return to the forums I click on the forum banner, this however brings a person to the all topics section rather than the forum that the thread was posted on. These things I feel muddles the lines of where content is supposed to go. People are being referred to by default all content posted and are possibly posting while located in all topics rather than a forum category or subcategory. With clear and distinct forums with no all topics section, one can see what kind content is accepted in each group. I personally feel that all topics needs to go, forums need to be clearly divided, and more people should be placed on moderating the issue. Fourth, I feel no longer incentivizes good behavior or give reasons to be active members of their community. In Halo 3 we could receive a Septagon next to our name for joining the site, Reach expanded on this in a great way through the customization options provided for completing certain tasks. Reach also gave the incentive through a challenge to join the website every so often. These things fostered people wanting to join. Things like a bounty to join in game would invite more people to join. The other thing to note is the idea of bringing back title bars, which I see has been talked about by a few of the old members here still. Along with my support of this, I would also like to address something else. I personally feel that this site has not done a good job of inviting its oldest members to stay and be active here. When the site update happened that marked Bungie's change from Halo to Destiny, title bars were removed, members that were active for years had their recognition of that removed from plain site. This was at least remedied somewhat by legacy emblems being given in Destiny 1. This was also further improved by allowing members to use Destiny emblems on the website. People had a way to mark if they were mythic/legendary/heroic members; ways to mark a long amount of commitment to the site. However, going into the second game, there was no corresponding emblems anymore. No recognition if you were a heroic/legendary/mythic member, if you participated in the alpha lupi arg, had an account before a certain date. All forum related activities and the game were separated, no incentives for participating and being part of something for so long. Personally, I can't help but feel that you understand what I mean considering your avatar is a modified version of the shield of mythics with the old "'04 or bust" meme from the Septagon/Community forum.



          マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

        • I would like you to respond to the critical posts, not just the love letters to you. If you can't take criticism, why have a public forum at all? We can see the 'Bungie Replied' on things you reply to and it's never on posts that say 'hey, this sucks' and it's always on the 'I love you' posts. Also, the crucible sucks.



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          11 通の返信
          • THERE'S DEVS?



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            1 返信
            • I think the browsing format on the forums is alright, needs probbly faster loading when you run the app after closing it. But theres one thing that i think needs a lot more attention than the actual forums... And thats the guided game tab on the game. Right now its probably the most useless function on the game, and I think it can be easily fix. Not so long ago, you introduced the fireteam tab on, and the way it works is pretty good imo, so i was thinking if theres a way you can fuse together guided games with the fireteam tab. not only will be faster to find teams willing to guide, but i think will help so people find groups faster on game.



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            • Please make an ideas section. I've submitted some good ideas and some not so great ideas. I just want bungie to read them. I'm not looking to be attacked by every man-child keyboard warrior on the internet. Just leave a read or unread feedback on it please.



              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

            • [b]Better community managers[/b].



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            • I just want you to fix your game dude. Stop bothering with the forums. It will improve if your game improves. Fix crucible, fix matchmaking, fix spawns, fix balance, fix supers, fix LoW, fix bloom and recoil, fix releasing updates that drain materials, fix releasing updates that break the game, just fix something. Don't play test it. just code it and make sure you don't break the game, then release it. Let us playtest. More updates.



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              6 通の返信
              • twirlypenにより編集済み: 7/17/2019 2:54:02 AM
                They really need to make lfg better first before tackling the forums. That'll bring in more people on it's own. Bring back text bodies so players aren't as likely to get mismatched and eventually kicked. This makes the lfg experience for both parties quite abysmal.



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              • The entire forum layout is garbage; sorry not sorry, it's true. There is no way to subscribe to threads you want to watch so you have to go to your profile and try to find the threads again. Click on notifications when someone replies and it takes you to the thread but not down to your post and the reply... nope, you have to dig and work to find that too. The front page should be category lists. Right now it just defaults to TRENDING and many people likely don't even know there is a drop down to show "new" , "highest rated" etc. This kind of nonsense leads to MANY duplicate posts because they never get seen if they aren't trending. SEARCHING.... my god, how is there no forum post searches? No, that stupid magnifier in the upper right corner does NOT do a forum "in string" search. This could also help prevent so many duplicates. Picture posting in post (without making user follow a link) should be a thing, as should more code options (colors, font sizes, signatures, etc)... and where is the "help" for how to use these options. When we block someone, the block should be a 2 way block so they can't continue to see our posts. Also, a block shouldn't require a "report". Sometimes we just want to block someone but not necessarily report them. Frankly I'm shocked that this many years into internet forums and THIS is the horrible forum layout you have. I am encouraged that you are at least asking how to fix it. Now let's see if Bungie can actually follow through.... I'll be over here holding my breath 🤢



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                12 通の返信
                • Can we have a hint for wish 15 it’s a needle in a haystack.



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                • I would like to see a new forum section for feedback and discussion for people who are currently active players. After D2 launched, you made having to have gotten a character to the farm, in order to post, and it cleared out a bunch of the, "people still play this game," trolls that didn't even own D2. Which was awesome. We need something like that again. Or at least a separate forum page for current players only. And I get that Bungie making the seasons, more buy what you like, and not needing previous seasons to join, as a roadblock for that. But I hate having constructive discussions broken up by people complaining that haven't played the game in months. So perhaps a page that requires playing the current season, to have permission to post. I know that will limit some people, if they simply don't want to buy the current season and may just be waiting for the next season. But I don't like wading through posts, or comments from people complaining about things that may have been fixed or changed with the latest season or major patch.



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                  6 通の返信
                  • • What do you find most important to your browsing experience? For me there needs to be more interaction from Bungie and what I mean by this is actual answers to questions that have been asked. Not the blanket " I'll pass this on", if it cannot be answered right away then give timeline on when it will be answered. There needs to be real follow up from Bungie. Secondly - I have noticed that Bungie goes silent when they are traveling to promote other Bungie events, which creates a gap in interaction with the forums like stated above. Thirdly - a better way to search for popular topics. If the topic has a lot of up votes, it should be automatically pinned to the top of the feed and slide down as other topics get more votes or it has been resolved. • Do you find yourself frequently engaging with forums, or more often browsing associated media/group messaging apps for information/discussion? (Think Twitter, Discord, Youtube, etc) I would prefer that Bungie uses this forum for all its communication with its player base, if Bungie replies to anything from another forum it should be posted here so that we all can follow the entire thread. Too many times I have had someone with a reply saying that Bungie covered that on twitter, reddit, etc. • What changes would you like to see that would make the forums a more welcoming place for community engagement? I don't really have much to say on this, people are jerks and you just need to have a thick skin. but if someone is abusing or bullying a guardian for there views then drop that ban hammer on them, it they do it again then maybe three strikes your out result if it continued. Also post the offenders that have been banned so you can actually show the community that something is being done.



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                    1 返信
                    • PAPASITO 30により編集済み: 7/16/2019 10:53:49 PM
                      I think the forums need a revision of policies - as in bring back the old players you guys banned if you want some actual feedback instead of just ego stroking



                      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                    • A Lion of Judahにより編集済み: 7/16/2019 4:11:13 PM
                      Start giving a shit, Bungie. Field of View. Idiotic physics. Wall deaths. Auto rifles. Solo strikes. Idiotic quest steps. handcannons. Matchmaking. Playtesting. All issues you have not made effort in being transparent with. All issues we have no idea what your thoughts are. What reason you have for letting it suck for so long. Don't get me wrong (as if you get me at all) I do enjoy playing the game... But this is about the forums no? In the forums, you absolutely do not provide useful intelligence for us to understand what is being done about issues we have all brought to your attention.



                      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                      1 返信
                      • Your app developers seemed pretty proud of their work, which is kind of funny, I have yet to hear or read about anybody who likes this app in general. The app itself was so much better for D1. It's amazing how much backwards momentum you guys have become famous for. I know you're asking about the forums, but the app itself needs a rework. I know I'm talking to a wall right now and so is everyone else. Nobody here actually believes you give a shit about what we think. Add all the functionality that the D1 app had... including the team finder for D1.



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                        1 返信
                        • The Killにより編集済み: 7/16/2019 8:34:43 AM
                          Eat shit Bungie! Your game is ass! Broken modes and overpriced bullshit! Exotics suck! Get off your lazy asses for once and fix that shit you bums!



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