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XxMaDLadCBxXにより編集済み: 7/2/2019 5:42:51 AM


There is this girl that I’ve known for like 4 years now and I have liked her for a while, it comes and goes but this year was a little different, we “bonded” a little more we hung out with each other a lot more and we were always together but here’s the catch she has a boyfriend and I have heard from a friend of mine that she might break up with him soon because of certain things but I don’t know if she has done it yet or if she will even do it BUT she also acts so friendly around me it’s a little weird like she writes her name on me or my name on her or she would just sit and hang out with me a lot and if I was hanging out with my cousin and not giving her much attention, she would seem to not like that and one time she put her head on my shoulder and there was other stuff like with text messages and I don’t know if I should try even if she has a boyfriend or not I mean she is such an amazing girl and I really don’t know what I should do. So that’s why I wanted to ask you guys (which may have been a bad idea) but just let me know[spoiler]she has also said in front of me I have a thing for gingers (I am a ginger) and she likes guys from other schools[/spoiler]



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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