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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
6/9/2019 4:51:50 PM

[quote]Ghaul has even disfigured the peoples' minds. He has dismembered the Cabal of its foreign influences, teaching the people a pit fighter's gruesome self-sufficiency. Weapons only a grunt can understand. Language that can only be barked through a [b]battlenet[/b]. I mourn the empire that built wonders like the Ninth Bridge. I mourn all the client species beaten into cogs.[/quote] [quote]It is the opposite of everything Calus wanted for his people. Even the new Cabal's ships are expendable. These are not the beautiful deterrents of Calus's armada; they are ugly, hasty, and crude. The crews live in their armor, prisoners of their duty, escaping only through music and games smuggled into the [b]battlenet[/b]. One popular pastime, I understand, is to draft personal "fleets" and "legions" from among real Cabal ships and soldiers, competing with comrades to win the most victories. Of course it is very bad luck to draft your own unit.[/quote] [quote]"The more we danced, the more the Cabal [b]battlenet[/b] lit up with requests for intelligence…" —Unknown[/quote]



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