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Thrasherにより編集済み: 5/27/2019 2:31:36 AM

Constipated woman loses 10 years of her memory

[url=]Article[/url] [quote]When our pipes are backed up internally, it can cause more than just pain and discomfort. Just ask one Hong Kong woman who temporarily lost 10 years of her memory, after overstraining herself while defecating, China Press reported. Concerned family members immediately took her to the hospital upon noticing a lapse in her memory, but doctors found her brain function to be normal, shared her son in an online post. The memory loss lasted for eight hours, and after she recovered, the woman had no recollection at all of the 'lost' time and drama that she had initiated. When interviewed by media in Hong Kong, neurologist Dr Peng Jiaxiong explained that the episode, medically known as transient global amnesia, could have been caused by a condition known as internal jugular vein valve incompetence, where blood flow to the brain is compromised. This could have led to insufficient oxygen being delivered to the brain at the point of exertion due to constipation.[/quote] You ever shit so hard that you lose your memory?



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