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JonnyMadDog1により編集済み: 5/11/2019 1:36:39 AM

[SUPERTHREAD][Non-joke/non-food-related] Sick of the division and false-flagging. Wi're on the verge of civil war and this user doesn't want that. AMA about muh beliefs to talk [type] out in the name of civil discourse

"War is old men talking and young men dying." "The more one sweats during peacetime, the less they bleed in war." Bring it. This user is a sovereign individual human being that subscribes to what some call 'anarcho-capitalist' beliefs, the logical conclusion of libertarianism also known as 'voluntar[y]ism'. This user is also a MASSIVE (to put it mildly) conspiracy theorist and conspiracy analyst and familiar with praxeological and Socratic approaches and inductive and deductive reasoning. This user believes virtually everything boils down to an economic argument and that the answer is more freedom and options and opportunity and less State interference trying to 'game' a natural system. This should NOT be interpreted as hyper-Darwinism/Stirnirite Egoism. Big prowrasslin' fan, it's real not fake, both mainstream and many so-called 'alternative' news sites are fake and false-flag themselves and call each other out on it like it's a sick game some on both sides may be 'in' on. (((They))) may not be the ultimate evl despite many being in medias of many types and entertainment as a collective because the collective does not exist, nor does the majority, there is only the minority to the sacred individual unit. EPH6:12/LarkenRose's'TheIronWeb' and JohnGalt's speech from 'AtlasShrugged', look 'em up. It's NOT flesh-and-blood, it's not immigrants, documented OR NOT, it's not Muzzies or Cathlix, or whyty or blacky, it's ignorance, willful at that, left-brain and right-brain dominant cynicism and naivete, a lack of critical thinking and communication, fragile systems born psychos can exploit and that create sociopaths. It is a lack of faith in one's self, in others, and in free trade and sound money in a world of scarcity of resources. It is a lack of divorcing concept from execution by the monopoly on credit, arbitration, and defense known as 'the State'. The 'new world order' plays both major sides, it's not Tories and Labour, it's not Democrip and Reblodlican. It's not a false dichotomy of Zionizm cronyism vs. Communism as a consequential absolute. It's thinking that way, and believing in false equivalencies. Am 'open-borders' (buzzword and loaded term) yet not pro-suubsidization and importation en masse of incompatible people for nefarious purposes and recognize the concerns of pro-wall proponents, just disagree with all muh heart with their methodology and wish to provide new methodology. Am pro-choice and 'pro-life' (another loaded term). The free market fixes itself, trying to force 300 million or 7 billion people at gunpoint to subsidize abortion when that person may not believe in it or vice versa those who do believe in it funding the stopping of it are no different from each other. NO.Social-Engineering.Is.Required!!! The mistake yuh make in EVERY argument is making it out to be a moral imperative when the empirical premise is the issue-at-hand. Attack the WHYS and not the HOWS and focus on protecting one's own self and making one's own bed. F E E and A I E R make good articles on this, Redit Gold and Black is nice too as is Redit conspiracy and conspiracy theories. Redit Anarcho_Capitalism and Libertarianism have been co-opted and/or under attack by 'leftist'-minded folk either of the socialist variety (left-libertarians) and identitarian cancer in the form of fake-'right-wingers'. The ends may not justify the means and the needs of the many may not invalidate the needs of the one in this user's personal opinion, but those are not to be brought into professional arguments, which is what charlatans on TV and the internet do with their stupid shows and cheap suits and dresses, claiming to be traditional or uplifting of minorities and those oppressed when they're fake heroes and agitprop fighting with agitprop, enslaving themselves to others and enslaving others to themselves. 'Right-wing' means individual over the collective. 'Left-wing' means collective rights over the individual's choices. There are only negative rights not positive rights. The government does not truly exist, it is illegitimate and either the Consertution authorized such shenanigans or it was powerless in preventing them. 'Conservative' and 'liberal' are NOT labels to identify as or see others as, as nouns, but adjectives, action-process descriptors whether or not an action is in-line with that particular philosophy. One or something can be BOTH of these things, they were originally economic terms and not social ones. Do not conflate definitions to where liberal means libertine and conservative means prudishly traditional. The basis of libertarianism is the respect for private property and free association and disassociation (discrimination is not a bad word) and one can be as libertine or trad as they want, just don't make others pay for it. One does not have a philosophy if one has to integrate bobs-and-weaves into it. Molymeme and Chapiro are charlatans. There's fake liberals, fake conservatives, fake anarchists, and fake socialists/communists/fascists everywhere it seems and their prior incarnation's generation's adherents would've sent many of them today to the gulags and chambers. All of these and more are forms of central planning via coercion and it doesn't work. All three forms of Platonic government do not work. Anarchy does not mean 'no rules' it means 'no rulers'. It means polycentricity, it means options in credit, arbitration and defense (throw agriculture and education in there as well, also separate from schooling sometimes, especially today). Gonna pump the brakes here before this spirals into a wall-of-text the sitting sociopath-in-chief number 45 and puppet to other entities would be proud of, game's on and hungry and need to work out. DISCUSS CIVILLY!



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  • Bump. End this fuhkn fake-gew-funded 4oclockinthemorning loaded and leading question positioning and posing and framing and agitprop agitation/provocateuring of innocent people on the streets to try and trigger 'em to make yrself look sane in comparison....that's NOT real journalism and it's NOT healthy!!!! Ded-eyed freaks...paid cyber-bullys....truly, (((THEY))) CRY as they hit yuh....professional's sick. Really. STOP false-flagging yrself and playing's all wimmin kno how to do, it seems, unfortunately... GROW UP AND GROW A PAIR AND STOP BEING COWARDS LITTLE GIRLS AROUND THE WORLD!!! Narcissistic psychos. BRING ON ROBO-UTERI!!! FEMBOTS 444 LYF!!! Cultists...It's a cult. Alternative conservativism (Inc.)/alternative news/the 'new' right/the 'new' media are LIARS and full of shyt!!! ImAgInE MoOiI sHoCk!!! Talking heads doing nothing but making things worse and dividing and conquering more...'OhoohHooh ScAAArArrRyYY BRroWWnN PEOPLE!!!' OH NOEZ!!! Wi NEED that cheap labor to compete with the dynastic monopolistic corporations in bed with government, but they want to retain their status and therefore must make it harder for mahandpah businesses to compete by restricting their labor pools, namely immigrants and thirdworlders....and they USE useful idiots and false-flags to give rise to some arbitrary 'identity' under attack and culture creation program to social-engineer humanity so they aren't so lonely because they can't handle people who think different than them because they're too stupid to know in AnCapistan no one HAS to think like yuh for yuh to be safe/feel safe!!!! Polycentric law, options in credit, arbitration, and defense and eliminating the push-pull factors (bombing on behalf of Sowdi and Izzyhel the remaining monarchies' peoples and ancient enemies of Sowdi and Izzyhel unholee alliance with the U.S.S.A) and free trade and discrimination lead to peace and prosperity...inability to discriminate and a monopoly (all are artificial) on those three things and a lack of free trade and movement and acquirement of labor and capital and tryinig to force one's beliefs and lifestyles down onto others leads to war and deth and destruction every.single.muthfuhkn.TIME!!!!!!



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  • The FUHK do firecrackers simulating gunshots and bad acting and loaded questions and flying paper airplanes in protests and getting drunk with rtards to the tune of howse nggr by boogi dwns productions and swissthreesomes and beta-male-looking terorists and skiing vacations have to do with being TRADITIONAL and a REAL journalist??? NOT everything is muzzies, immigrants, and 'boomers' (which is somehow an insult now...rofl, like psychopathy or ignorance or idiocy know ANY bounds) FAULT! It's NOT flesh and blood and there's no single person or group of people of some characteristic or belief that isn't universally defined because everyone has a different definition of such words to them based on heir own experiences normally to blame or identify with as a savior. Everyone is their OWN savior and their OWN enemy. Focus on one's OWN syns and one's OWN accomplishments and stop deflecting like a coward and trying to celebrate some victory for some group when yuh did NOTHING!!! It's the Douhg Stanhohpe quote, "nationalism teaches yuh to be racist and hate people yuh never met and take credit for accomplishments for things yuh didn't do....'hold on eye got some mud on muh slacks from when wi were garroting krauhts in the trenches of Verduhn' no muthrfuhkr yuh were drunk off yr azz at EYE-HOP!!!' Look it up, good stuff.



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  • Just want luv...and truth...and a real fam...and peace. Free market anarchy is the best way of achieving those, for as many people as possible.



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  • Behn Chapiro is full of shyt, no longer a fan of iz. The argument is not whether the ends justify the means as it relates to capital punishment regarding private property violations or if aborshun is wrong or murdr or if the mothr has the right to do so, that's falling into internet bloodsports with the moral imperative and social-engineering. The EMPIRICAL PREMISE is that stealing money form 300million people to point guns at private transactors even if voluntary doesn't WORK whether it's right or any different from stealing money from opponents of aborshun to fund PP. BOTH necessitate the State's existence and steal from people to fund THEIR views pushed onto others. The issue is the payment of such services, namely PP, by the State, which is a STATE issue and without the subsidization of it and the ability to discriminate in business, in the private sector, aborshuns WOULD go down in AnCapistan whereas a State, like a Cathlik Caliphate, no different from the Izlamofascist Caliphate would only create a black market for such to occur and the push-pull factors cause animosity and thus, more aborshuns. Politics is DOWN stream from culture NOT UPstream and whether or not race andd/or IQ are related or upstream from culture and/or politics is irrelevent because environment is ultimately UPstream from all and the SOURCE of all such tributaries, with a freer environment, ie, the ability to discriminate, which the STATE prohibits, everyone can get what they want and fund what they want. Anti-PP but pro-choice. One CANNOT just wave a magic wand and write something down on a piece of paper and call it moral and get rid of aborshun magically and peace be restored to the land like some damn fairytale fantasy book. These Cathlik-types think like statists and are the EPITOME of statism!!! They CREATE their OWN enemies!!! These tradth0t fake journalists' children WILL end up like Ahl Goldsteein the pr0n magnate anti-religious et al. It's NOT a zero-sum game of groups. Science and religion must BOTH reconcile that neither are omnipotent and do NOT know the true history of the universe since time immemorial. Socrats: Eye only know muh own ignorance. That's the beginnings of wisdom. It's just NOT feasible to force half a CONTINENT with 300million people to stop having aborshuns NOR have opponents fund them. Period. The PRIVATE SECTOR with the ability to discriminate and NO MORE FORCED SUBSIDIZATIONS is ALL that is being argued. Fight culture with culture. The dominant CULTURE will win out. Neocons LUUUUV the idea of fighting culture with politics though....heck, progressives do too. Neocon-minded individuals and progressive-minded individuals, rather, not to label and play the label game.../mini rant while halftime is ending Not winning any money tonight...fuhk.



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  • JonnyMadDog1により編集済み: 5/12/2019 10:41:02 PM
    SOMEONE GET MSELF OUTTA THIS GAWDAAM HELHOLE!!!!! FUHKN STATISTS!!! Never truly lived a day in muh life...Don't wanna go nuts...have nothing to lose...azzhols don't deserve such good times and women and things and the like...nice guys shouldn't finish last. Want that fuhkn WH0RE to give muh money BACK! Eye should NOT have given to 'er, eye can't believe eye let 'er CON mself like so many others before mself SO MUCH MONEY mself and muh family did NOT have to give....for 'er to BLOW!!! Tradth0ts, fuhkn TRAD TH0TS! Robot uteri WHEN!?!?!?! Fuhkn FAKE USURPER GEW CULTISTS!!! CON ARTISTS AND GRIFTERS!!! No wonder these (((PEOPLE))) have been kicked out of every country they've ever been in....and this BYTCH is trying to go for the RECORD as a SINGLE PERSON! And REEEEEETRDS think this sloot is TRADITIONAL!?!?!?! AND RIGHT-WING!?!?!?! LEFTIST InFILRATOR AND SUBSIDIZED AGITATOR....and it's young. How someone SO YOUNG could've thrown their life away like that and sold their soul so early....there HAS to be something deeper going on....parental abuse? Does 'er father know about this shyt or is involved or put 'er up to this? Deep state intra-wars? High school scorn? Got 'er heart broken by a Muzzie? Wimmin suck, all of 'em in their own way. smdh



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  • These fuhkn games...eye'm so victory, just ONE will make up for 5 years of this shyt at casinos and online...eye have no luck at all!!!



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  • Ask and yee shall receive! ... After these games am hoping go the way eye think they will and get muhself out of poverty with fantasy winnings... This first game is already disgusting... Like seriously, 30+ YO men with millions supposedly the best in the world can't make 1 bucket...and are in MVP contention, there are HIGHSHOOLERS who can play better!!! Yeah, yeah, defense wins championships, but just pyssed because am looking at this from a fantasy (thus offensive) standpoint....which is gross atm. Other than that am sure these eyes would find such contests beautiful...but more so in football or fighting than b-ball.



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    • Ajajajajjaajja your back! Nice. Please continue



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    • Ah, well, thanks! Ask and yee shall receive. That's the basis of voluntarism, yuh know? The 'golden rule'. It's not incongruent with being a theist, there is a subredit called Chrstian-anarchist and BTW/JT is one of them, like LeoTolstoy or FilhyHeretic. The 450th Cathlik catacysm confirms taxation IS theft and it's not money being the root of all evl, it's the LUV of money that is and it's a representation of faith who controls the world's money supply with their central banks controls what people believe in, ALL who use it, mark of the beast, and are veritable virtual deities among men and own the world, which is their endgame that must be stopped. It's been planned for a long, long time, since EnkiEnlil and Atlantis. It's effectiveness vs. efficiency in what should NOT be a zero-sum game between the two. That's what led to the war of northern aggression/war between the states a century-and-a-half ago, Jsuits/banksters/railroad tycoons and paranoia of the agrarian south trading with industrial Englnd who the urban north also was in competing markets with. SIDENOTE OF HISTORY: Anyone who thinks the 'civil war' (a misnomer on MANY fronts) was all about slavery and muh blax being exploited and hurt by the whyt devl in the south is brainwashed. SURE it's wrong and some were mistreated horribly, but it was largely the south that abolition was going on in and the Prez at the time wanted to keep slavery happening and would do anything to preserve the Union as a pragmatist and only did that in rebelling states (not all) for a morale boost and shock value as a tactical decision, they were bumbling FOOLS before a couple costly mistakes by the Confederacy and a couple geniuses at the bottom of the barrel the north finally relied on. It was SO CLOSE to going the other way and this all being a Confederacy and closer to what the Framers in the vein of Jeffrson (the LEAST suckiest of ALL presidents at least in the bottom 3 of least sucky, being that all sucked as an AnCap-minded fellow, this user shared his concern about a Constertution and even a Bill of Rights -- rights positivism -- when there are only negative rights in contracts and the social contract' as Spoonr would say, does NOT exist, EYE DIDN'T SIGN SHYTTT!!!!!!). ANY ship that was a slave ship from the states to Africa did NOT fly the stars and bars, it flew the Ol' Glory, WHY? Because Vrginia had it in it's clause to join and stay in the Confederacy when it could've joined the north was to maintain its monopoly on the slave trade for its tobacco industry which is survived and thrived on, undercutting other southern states. So anyone who says the stars and bars flag (Rebel battle flag technically) is WAYSYSST inherently or hate-filled, when it is actually an amalgamation of the Scotch-Irish ancestry being paid tribute to juxtaposed with the St.Georg flag and original southern colonies by the a brainwashed buffoon, likely publicly edu-indoctrinated and saw too many movies by Hollyweird full of agitprop to keep blax feeling disenfranchised to keep the white goy poor and out of the way of (((some))) and their ancestral warfare with the Muzzies for PNAC/Greater Izzyhel Project. Wake up and let bygonez be bygonez and know that the syns of the father do NOT pass down to the son and do NOT disregard linear time, logic, reason or morality/ethics in the name of an expedient. That's all government is, according to Bastiaht. An expedient for the lazy and contemptable. Slow and steady wins the race.



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    • REPLY PRT 4: Do yuh not think human rights violations occur already and largely due TO government and BY government and their systems of distributism? So long as scarcity exists and value is subjective and things are not voluntary, such as voluntary communes, any and all forms of distributism DO.NOT.WORK!!! Who's trafficking the children and gold and blood to the aliens and molestrs and kannibals? Sowdi, Izzyhel, U.S.S.A, Brytysh ROYALTY AKA THE GUMMIT, and centrally planning a government system with the same agencies who commit these false-flags for gun control and ShrkyPrinciples and Petr and ParetoPrinciples to be given MOAR POWAH is the ANSWER!?!?!?! Insane. Definition. Of. Insane.



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    • Yes please! So fresh to see you here.



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    • REPLY PRT 3: It doesn't MATTER if one believes the ends justify the means or not (eye don't think they do, if there is a mutual exlusivity between pragmatism and being principled, but there doesn't HAVE to be, there IS a pragmatic reason for being principled and ethical, even Adm freakn' sociopathic hypocrite and/or psyop Kokehsh admitted this! Thaht Guy T/T J Brwn said iz father said some advice once that 'principles don't need to be opposed to profit, principles = profit', people KNOW what they are buying from yuh or getting when they give yuh money if principled, they feel their investmen was safer, but pragmatists are harder to be trusted....if this user gives money to this little girl who plays border patrol for a bulletproof vest, does this user have to worry about 'er spending it on alcohol and hurting people and keeping this user locked in when this user doesn't agree with that beleif of 'ers? Will seh use it to give to terrorist Eurotrash friends this user didn't want to fund? Will jackbooted thugs think this user is funding terrorism if logs of such a transaction get out? Basically, transparency is needed and free markets allow for that and encourage that, whereas government retains Face book's monopoly and gives no incentive for people to not be screwed over and their privacy invaded!!! Read Anthny deJasay debunking Buchann's contractarianism from '97. Basically, if the State is needed to enforce contracts, and the State was not always around, how did it come into existence and was trade not happening before it??? There are over a DOZEN real life examples this user could list of societies compatible with AnCap/libertarian thought and free trade, basically STATELESS societies existing in history, even to this day some of them, and some to come soon in the works, but this user continues to run out of space But the aforementioned deep sea mercantilism predates the State and free trade existed between early humans before international waters were called that. There are land-based examples on almost all continents too may list later, getting tired and hungry and about to go to breakfast before bed soon... TL;DR: 'Capitalism' is/was a slur coined by Krl Mrx funded by the Rothchld's who declared war on humanity AND this country before it was conceived and bet on all sides because of fragile little egos of the so-called descendants of giants to discredit free markets, they CANNOT be 'defended' by the State, the State is not compatible with the market. 'Anarcho-capitalism' is a bit of a buzzword or tainted by cultural lexicographical optics so this user doesn't ALWAYS say it or suggest it without the disclaimer this user means voluntarism/libertarianism because it seems to 'trigger' so many out there raised to hate the word from birth. What is REALLY being attacked and described is CRONYISM/CORPORATISM/THE CORPORATOCRACY/KAKISTOCRACY/PSYCHOPATHOCRACY (GrehgCatohn wrote a good book called the Joys of the Psychopathocracy, basically the further away from the individual one gets, the more psychopathic one gets and fragile a system). Eso also did a good vid on classical liberalism, liberalism, and libertarianism. Liberalism aims to achieve a specific mode of government, classical liberalism is rooted in doctrine but no metaphysical principles, libertarianism has metaphysical principles. Government is saying wi are animals and need to be ruled or to rule, the natural progression, in THIS USER'S opinion is to grow beyond needing government or the church to keep this user's ego in-check. TL;DR TL;DR: Yuh don't need the State or the church to keep yr ego in-check. Feudalism is ALREADY what wi live in, it's called Federalism and it doesn't work. The State is NOT sustainable and will do ANYTHING to sustain itself...even kylling its own for more food and ALWAYS happens!!! And it DOESN'T NEED TO! StLouis city, for example, wouldn't be such a shythole if the government didn't keep them from building up with skyscrapers (there are articles on that). Deregulation and a lack of needing licenses and permits for shyt like lemonade stands leads to peace and prosperity. No currency debasement and welfare/warfare state and having free trade and sound money is peace and prosperity. It is NOT something to BRING to people, but to ALLOW to flourish. TL;DR TL;DR TL;DR Not saying anything about being super duper hyper-Darwinist. Liberal =/= libertine, conservative =/= traditional, libertarianism =/= libertine or liberal. Librtarian means one can be as party going or church going as one wants, just don't make this user pay4it.



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    • JonnyMadDog1により編集済み: 5/12/2019 9:34:08 AM
      REPLY PRT 2: The issue here is separating CONCEPT from EXECUTION by the singular monopoly on credit, arbitration, and defense known as the State. People don't have ideas, ideas have people -CrlJung and DocJBP. Instead of JUST preaching about the N.A.P (non-aggression principle) statist-minded folk like to turn around and say "TeLl ThAt To TyRoN aNd AkHmEd", showing EMPIRICAL evidence of the State failing or WORSE and being counter-intuitive to a goal of providing for people, like the disenfranchised, and the free market saving the day is a FAR FAR better way of going about things than just stealing from people and throwing money at people...ESPECIALLY those who CAUSED the problems in ShirkyPrinciple-esque Problem-Reaction-Solutionism!!! For ex: Wi Do Better organization, The CajunArmy, The Liberty Coalition for Disaster Relief, PhoenxJones/League of Superheroes, Vampyro's GuardianAngels, Sublethal home security camera/TURRETS in SouthAfrica, MuhDearBobby in Englnd, DanGilbrt's Watchmen in MOtown, etc., etc., etc.. The Red Cross wasted TONS of food and drink and supplies, the government arrested people for feeding homeless, poured BLEACH into FOOD LINES voluntarily put up, and bomb brown people in caves and herding for their families so they need to consider coming here for benefits stolen from locals to build walls to keep out and in respectively before the culling and kidnapping happens...because reasons??? F.U.H.K.T.H.E.G.U.M.M.I.T!!! There's a meme out there on [w o k e n m a t r i x b u c k e y e s]' insta account (MUST-READ MATERIAL FOR THE LUV OF SHYT, dood, look up that dood's insta and spend a few weeks on it, k? KnowYrMeme's Picardia page is good too, subbing to AIER/FEE/M i s e s Wire/TomWoodsShow and by CATOInst and BeingLibertarian is also a good step, as is and such subredits and sites relating to blockchain tech and crypto) of Mehg from FamlyGuy whining about people being screwed over and 'er family not caring about 'er or them and then the next frame goes to a pic of the father, mother, and brother characters in suits and top hats and a dress and pearls and the like with 'volunteering' and 'private charity' and the like plastered over their faces. Volunteering and charity still exist in AnCapistan, yuh know? Just want it all to be voluntary, which is what it is, it's voluntarism. Taxes are stolen funds, robbing Petr to pay Pal. Who says both Petr n Pal have to value the U.S.S.A fiat petrodollar? MikeMaloney's 'The Hidden Secrets of Money' playlist is a MUST-WATCH. No paper currency has EVER survived. 'Money Revealed' is a new one by different people with similar people and topics discussed this user would recommend, it has Rich Dad Poor Dad's Robrt Kiosakee in it. Free trial by Doc TomWoods is over, so if those episodes aren't out there for free, DEF recommend buying the DVD already. Who is to say one is poor if producers could issue and value their own unit of exchange? Buckminstr Fullr said it best, don't fight the system, it gives it legitimacy, render it, instead, obsolete. Enforce defense, contracts in agreements, properties, and help people with units of exchange that are sound AWAY from government!!! Eso the Free has some vids on this called 'Statism Survival Guide', a play off of an old tween TV show. How many evls have been done in the name of 'progress'? What is this 'progress'? Wi do NOT (YET) have 'tea ErlGray HOT' matter pattern replicators. AnCapistan, with its lack of intellectual property being enforced, allows maximum opportunity to create such toys that solve world hunger, instead of reaching desertification at gunpoint, because fragile (read T a l e b's Antifragile, it's not explicitly AnCap but fairly libertarian) systems are houses of cards ready to fall down. THEY are Utopian, NOT AnCap-minded folk. Yet some of the people this user used to follow in the skeptic/alternative news gonzo-journo genres on YTube have the NERVE to call libertarians/AnCap-minded folk like at Anarchapulco 'Utopian'....silly statist-minded brainwashed children, calling people who disagree with yr policies 'soyboys' and 'boomers' and and commies and 'betamales' is NOT an argument (nor is calling people Nazees or fashies or WAYSYSSTS)! It's NOT a zero-sum game of groups like Prof. H a i d t said on a JRE ep. It's NOT Nationalism vs. Globalism. Drump is NOT a Gawd-Emperor. Don't fall into the trap of polylogism and deconstructionalism and postmodernism and intersectionalism and this sick Hegehlian Dialectic of synthesis/antithesis/solution of MORE government oversight. Listen to Backwordz/EJ/youngrippa59 on YTube's playlist, Self-Ownership, "IT'S NOT BECAUSE WI DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT PEOPLE IN OFFICE!" is literally the lyrical line and it's SO true!!! What's the 'point'? What's the meaning of life? Do the ends justify the means? Individual or collective? Chikn or the egg? These are the questions most arguments boil down to, among others. Robrt Koernr wrote an AMAZING article for FEE last yr called 'The mistake yuh make in every argument' and it's MUST-READ material, like a Prof. Donld J. Boudreax article for AIER. Focus on the empirical premise and NOT the moral imperative. That's a recipe for internet bloodsports and TV talk show talking head chaos. It goes nowhere and only FURTHER divides and allows uhs to be conquered by the chyld molestrs.



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    • 1
      Wouldn’t you consider anarcho-capitalism a step back in terms of humanity’s moral evolution? What I’ve never personally understood is the importance anarcho-capitalists put on the whole “Survival of the Fittest” doctrine. On paper, it’s appealing—the idea that it’s a more natural, more fair framework for how we should structure our society. However, I find that such instincts are fundamentally detrimental to forward progression. What makes humanity special is its ability to transcend the base-ness of its condition, otherwise we will never really be any more significant than any other animal on the planet. Don’t get me wrong, I value the individual over the collective. The problem I have with anarcho-capitalist beliefs is that it ultimately seems like the first step towards regressing to feudal societies. It has no reliable failsafe to prevent capitalism from turning into a machine of subjugation for the benefit of the few. It creates an undue and unnecessary pressure and tension that is easily alleviated by a moral government. Again, I believe people should have the right to live the lives they want to live. Determining someone’s life for them, however, is beyond reprehensible, and capitalism at its basest level wholly encourages that kind of exploitation.



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      2 通の返信
      • JonnyMadDog1により編集済み: 5/12/2019 9:33:43 AM
        REPLY PRT1: AHA a discussion 2 be had in this user's lonely, uneventful life at almost 4 in the morn (restructuring 2day to get some last minute fantasy basketball lineups in for a shot of getting out of this cesspool and muh fam out of lower-middle-class poverty; not saying this user has it worse than everyone but it still sucks and the gap between poor and rich is widening due to 'the State' and Central Banksters, more on that later)! Okay, first-of-all, thanks for the reply, that was cogent and cordial and well-put. These talking points have been seen before by these eyes so this user feels equipped enough to respond to them equally cogently, if not a bit more loquacious than most, so here's hoping in this user's social inexperience this isn't too long-winded to the point of incoherence. This user was WAITING to see some of the usual 'buzzwords', not to come across as off-putting, such as 'feudalism' and being compared to a baseless animal acting on basic senses and capitalism exploiting people as an inherent quality. Gunna break this down bit-by-bit... Yr heart is in the right place, will say that, this user too feels similarly, if only differing on a few points, mainly due to lexicographical differences (different definitions of words and knowing their true history of usage). As they say, if one is young and not liberal they have no heart, if one is old and not conservative they have no brain. Another one MichlMalice on an episode of the JRE quoting TomWolf is that 'if a conservative is someone who's been mugged a liberal is a person who was arrested'. This user doesn't like these terms, as stated above, and finds labeling such people and things to be counter-productive and a loaded and leading thing to do that then 'bounces' he proverbial 'ball' back into the court of public opinion, namely that of agitprop actors and actresses who professionally strawman random innocent people of whatever 'aisle' for a living to get their audience to engage in a 2 or 5 or 7 minutes 'hate' (a la Orwel's '1984'), offering nothing but 'sugar-and-salt', sugar for their vassals and salt for their enemies for the sake of it because they feel conflict is inevitable and someone's gotta get screwed in a grand game of 'tag' in a world of scarcity when that simply doesn't have to be the case, namely because of the monopoly on credit, arbitration, and defense known as the 'State' (capital S because it's worshiped like a deity, and to differentiate it from 'state' like a condition or ailment someone is in, as one BraveTheWrld/JuliaTouriahnski has made mention of years ago when she was younger). The basic premise is that in a world of scarcity of resources, whatever that resource may be (it doesn't HAVE to be just oil or bananas, it could be a market for spouses or peace-of-mind) that artificial interference in the market (which Doctor TomWoods recently said is incompatible with government) trying to 'game the system' for a few (hyper-nationalism and/or fascism) or all ('globalism' not to be confused with globalization/communism) with centralized collectivization of those resources for distribution, usually via coercion and social- (even genetic-) engineering of either people, as Hitlr spoke of, the means of production, as Staln is (in)famous for, or BOTH, simply DOES NOT WORK, at least unless it's INTENDED NOT to work AT ALL (in which case it works PERFECTLY in such a Malthuhsian nightmare of population control and possibly interstellar gold mining and laundering between proxies and patrons in space and/or Antarctica of some combination of allegedly 64 alien species said to have visited Earth)! Think of it like quicksand or Devl's Snare in HaryPottr near the end. The more one struggles, the quicker they sink. To think it is a consequential absolute that one WILL be screwed in a free market then one must try to game the system with fake money that flawed humans (or otherwise) would/will screw with with quantative easing to achieve dominance over other currencies or monies or wipe them out completely ONLY creates a NEW bourgeoisie and proletariat, merely a different one than the previous one in the cycle. Revenge, pure and simple, at the surface, left-brain-dominant and right-brain-dominant thinking, beneath the surface, as MarkPasio talks about (recommend this credit to humanity HIGHLY). It is NOT a consequential absolute one WILL be screwed in a free market, and even if they are not 'up-to-par', it doesn't necessarily HAVE to be some FytClub Tylr Durdn 'anarcho-primitivist' scenario, as what yuh are describing is called 'egoism' or Stirnrite 'anarcho-egoist' mantra (there's apparently MANY black-flags out there with every color of the rainbow and MORE when most are BS and fall under the GoldandBlack, with RedandBlack (AnComs) being garbage. Concerning 'muh political spectrum', this user thinks of it two ways, one is that no one is further 'right-wing' than AnCap and another is that 'right-wing' is not AnCap and AnCap/libertarian is above such a pitiful spectrum as RobrtHiggs espoused. Depends on one's own spectrum. To this user 'right-wing' means, by definition of AmericanHeritageDictionary 'individualist' or respecting an individual's Rights over some arbitrary imaginary collective (everyone is a minority and there is no majority) and that the 'needs of the few, or the one, 'outweigh' (or at least are not taken precedence all the time OVER by) the needs of the many, a la ST3:TSFS ending scene. 'Leftist' means some group of white people concerned about white people surviving without having drops of black blood or black people concerned about being black and women or [insert characteristic here] coming together just for being women and apparently oppressed and needing each other to survive and ALL hating freedom and individualism and the truth equally having the right to kick out a non-holder or believer of such attributes or characteristics from a given area NOT of their private property. Read AmartyaSehn on identity politics. Even the Great Mughal of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries abhored whatever was not logical and reasonable, even if it was traditional either of IslamicORany other religion or culture (poundsign NOTALL to any anti-semites and/or Islamaphobic peeps out there, EPH6:12, it's not flesh and blood of such levels, psychopaths are born, they are a minority, fragile systems allow them to exploit shyt and create sociopaths with bad ideas, everything is economic, peeps don't go to war over rainbow haired fat chyks or 'wounded' little girls with make-up on). It's ALL market manipulation between competing dynastic families who USE the State to retain their status in society, because a monopoly over credit is the ultimate deciding factor of the trifecta. There's a clip of RiknMortee out there where Prof. Rik sets a space alien currency's value to '0' from '1' and then...well, look it up, it's real life imho in a nutshell. Without government, who is to say this user cannot sell their cell phone for a pencil??? Value is SUBJECTIVE NOT OBJECTIVE (in such regards). Otherwise that's social-engineering NONE of which is required. The interaction BETWEEN those different valuations and how they go down is the issue and having as many OPTIONS to either defend, arbitrate, or value a unit of exchange at the individual level or voluntary third-party representation if not capable of (not all only beautiful, smart, and strong are welcome only, stupid, lame, and unwanted are NOT cast aside as a consequential absolute in 'AnCapistan') in polycentric law (there's a subredit for that and this user recommends Friedmn/Chrtier/Carsn/Ostrm/RobrtMrphy/M i s e s shop/search and some articles and podcasts on the subject, Judge NAP is knowledgeable of polycentric law too) is a great way to go about things because it means competing and cooperating entities can hammer out problems more effectively than a singular entity with a monopoly over such over some 300 million or 7 billion people across a continent or a planet, as Chrles de Montesqu even attested to, anything outside the size of his beloved Geneva wouldn't take kindly to central planning. There's just too many people and the land covered and claimed is too large in a world of scarcity and getting into pissing contests is BULSHYT and only causes recessions. But of course, everything is brown peoples' fault...or whitey...or -blam!-...or (((THEM))), etc., etc.. Always looking to be saved or to save someone and blame someone....never one's own self being sufficient and accountable. That's what the damn world needs, accountability and self-sufficiency before the coming collapses. Get into prepping. Learn skills. Pass them on. Be less superficial, unless one can afford such responsibly, Vices are NOT crimes, as Spoonr discovered, but making them so is moral relativism. That forced association and forced disassociation/forced homogeneity and forced diversity only harbors ill-will and contempt and future conflict. STOP being helicopter parents going to source. It's called a parental control blocker, most TVs have them built in, okay prudes and progressives alike??? Let yr kids dive into the deep end of the pool, and if they're NOT yr kids...they're NOT YR KIDS!!! People should be able to get what they want or need at a price and at a risk they are comfortable with alone or with representation of their own. There is NO SUCH THING AS A NATURAL MONOPOLY. PERIOD. ALL are artificial. For example: A Corporation is a company with privileges granted by the government over others to bail them out and retain their monopolies for helping out the government and giving them status with their fake money they utilize and want people to believe in (all money is imaginary and individual ambition serves the common good -AdmSmith). The 'greater good' is a fallacy. Hitlr: BUT MUH GREATER GOOD! Zedingdong: BUT MUH GREATER GOOD! Staln: BUT MUH GREATER GOOD! Etc. TBCont'd.



        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      • Literally wat



        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      • Bump.



        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      • Bump. Fuhhk charlatans who ask loaded and leading questions like Loudmouth Crowdr and B S (ap pro po initials) and these YTuber tradth0t gonzo-journos who self-false-flag for beta-tear-money for first class hotels to 'entertain' their newest client....COUGH patron rather.... Going after genuine or pretend rtards/low-hanging fruit of radical far-leftist--minded ilk and gaslighting 'em to look sane next to 'em is NOT an argument. It's sick. It's agitprop. Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows???



        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      • Bump.



        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      • Bump. Don't strawman yr opponent, steelman them. Go into a debate thinking yr opponent knows something yuh do not and speak on what yuh want to learn from them and in the debate. More strawmans than all the corn fields in the midwest. *Strawman/CatheeNewmaning sum1: Putting words in their mouth and turning the statement or question around on them to misrepresent their position to the audience. Ex: "SoYoRsAyInNnNnNnGgGg wi should all kyll or be kylled, survival of the fittest?!?!?!?!?" TV 'news' and some 'alternative' sources are just insane, seriously insane and disgusting, Faux AND N B C whatever alike! STOP IT! It's NOT healthy!



        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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