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オリジナルの投稿元: Asterisk/Antares BIO log (signup) Closed.
Warlock Holmesにより編集済み: 4/12/2019 4:50:20 PM
Name: Sherlock Holmes Age: unknown Status: alive Value: Sherlock is a curious scholar. He explores the multiverse searching for random bits of information, lore, and power. Sherlock isn’t evil and wouldn’t do terrible things for knowledge, he’s neutral but leans to good. Appearance: Sherlock usually is found wearing a long trench coat with many pockets inside to store random trinkets. He also wears a deerstalker hat and a blue scarf. Weapons: he usually doesn’t carry much weapon or anything powerful, probably a quarter staff or a dagger Ability’s: Sherlock has lots of arcane lore. He learned to to harness the power of his mind to form Psionic disciplines. He can do things like move things with his mind, Crash people with telepathic energy, controlling the weak minded, even lash people with there ego. his mind is his weapons and he uses it creatively. He may even be able to try to control the weak minded and out thoughts in there head Other notes: he is very wise, intelligent, curious, and mysterious. He doesn’t prefer fighting but he does only if he has to. He would rather wander the multiverses collecting trinkets and knowledge:



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