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オリジナルの投稿元: Asterisk/Antares BIO log (signup) Closed.
RingLeader77により編集済み: 4/11/2019 5:02:59 PM
Name: Ringer Male Age: 27  Status: Alive Value; Ringer is a lone gunmen, a bounty killer, but not because he's bad, he just needs the money and is good at what he does, and when you're forced to live out in the wastes and sands, you'll take everything you can get. Personality: Taciturn, but with a wry sense of humor when appropriate. Has a reserved and contemplative nature and shows his thoughts through his actions. Though he may not show it, he would gladly lay down his life for one he esteems greater than himself, and while he doesn't look badly in himself, he figures there's many who would have that title. Appearance: Gray duster and leather armor are his main clothes with a fedora and a long muffler/scarf to keep the sands out of his face and the sun from his eyes. Hair color is dark brown and wavy.  Weapons: A simple but effective revolver, nothing to fancy, just a dark colored pistol. Combat wise is nothing fancy either, I don't like my character to be a god like being who can't lose, but I would have him be fast with his gun and be skilled at how to use it. Abilities: With no supernatural abilities to his name, Ringer has only survived this long by the skin of his teeth. It hasn't been easy, and he's lost much in doing so, but to compensate for his lack power he has trained and fought, sometimes with those stronger than himself to get as quick as possible. His one claim to fame now being that when it comes down to fighting, there a precious few who can put rounds in their enemy faster and sooner than him. Other Info: Though he wouldn't tell anyone unless he truly had a connection to them, he was born to a couple who both had supernatural abilities. His parents did little to keep him from being thrown out of the city and he knows it. ------------------------------------------------



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