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オリジナルの投稿元: Asterisk/Antares BIO log (signup) Closed.
4/11/2019 2:40:24 PM
Name: Virus Age: 25 Status: Alive Value: Virus is what’s called a BioWare, a biological malware. He corrupts living tissue and turns it into metal. Virus is rather closed, he isn’t the best at social interaction so usually opts to remain silent, unless taunting or mocking someone. Appearnce: Virus is a tall humanoid robot that wears a long hooded white cloak. His fingers are claw like and extremely sharp, while his body is mostly armored. Weapons: Virus wields a large scythe that is made of nanobots, making it indestructible and easy to carry. Abilities: Virus has a few notable abilities. He’s able to repair his body with nano bots, as well as quickly move around by limited teleportation. He has increased strength, speed, and durability since he’s a robot, as well as slight energy manipulation. His main ability allows him to spread his virus to living tissue and take it over, transforming it into steel and enslaving it to his will. Other Info: Virus typically tries to build an army either out of robots or corrupted beings. [spoiler]if you want an example of the virus look up The ClockWork Virus SCP[/spoiler]



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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