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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
4/5/2019 5:26:08 AM

Losses. (Fanfic)

A short log of a chat with a scattered fireteam, post red war. Dredgen Vor, Hammond, the warlock-W Kara, the titan-T Dredgen M Lucious, the hunter-H Begin transcript: T-i see you wear it too now, hammond W-Its Vor, now. I learned much in our weakend state, much that ishould've trusted Lucious on During the Siva Crisis. T-Its wrong...walking this line...its... H-Strength is never wrong. Balance, the choice to find wholeness in our little cosmic struggle, is never wrong. W-Is it honor you seek, dear kara, is it hope? T-Hope is all we have now. H-Oh? But fear is so much stronger. It teaches You to be ready for the worst. T-Without hope we wouldn't have won the red war. W-With fear it would've been a massacre of cabal by a well prepared populace of survivors. T-They are not survivors! They are the people the light was gifted to us to protect. H-So much protecting the light does nowadays. W-No more protective than the dark, huh? H-Balanced we stand- W-Divided we fall. Such is the thing you must recognize as a Dredgen of our beliefs. T-You two... You're too far gone. H-You may just not be gone enough, guardian. So sorry this is the firsr meeting we have after so long, Kara. I really wish there was more we could do to enlighten you. W-Maybe we need to scare it into her? (Vor makes a gesture with his handcannon toward Kara's ghost) T-NO! H-Shes right. Honest or not she is a good soldier to keep around. Even without the trust. Maybe that's just sentiment talking, but i like this one. T- "This one" you condescending sh- Lucious' ghost ends the transmission here, walking with the two dredgens away from the livid guardian.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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