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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
4/3/2019 4:10:43 AM

(RANT) The more I keep playing Gambit, the more I am convinced no one knows how to play it

Literally, who in his damn mind would go running with 15 motes to fight the HVT? Who in the god damn mind keeps hogging the Invasion portal just to get himself killed as the dunce with a hitmark on his head? Why in your god damn mind [b]ARE YOU NOT DUNKING YOUR DAMN MOTES?[/b] For real, do us a favor and stop playing this game mode[b] if you don't know jackshit about it[/b]. I just came back from grinding XP for the pinnacle wepaon of S6 (6 match spree) and I've ended with teams that know NOTHING about how to play this game mode. Hell, one guy was running as a Titan with clearly no idea when to dunk (spoilers: THE DRIFTER TELLS YOU TO DUNK. YOUR. MOTES!) or stands like a donkey without giving a flipping duck about helping clear adds or hogs the portal without letting team-mate to invade. And for those moronic, lazy enough to not check tutorials or guides, allow me to summarize you: 1) You get 5 - 10 motes 2) You dunk the motes 3) Help clear adds 4) Clear blockers 5) Help with invaders 6) Leave the portal to the ACTUAL person who can GET THE KILLS AS INVADER. 7) Rinse and repeat 8) See the Taken Wizards with the Primeval? Here's slowly: KILL. THE DAMN. WIZARDS. 9) You see the giant Primeval? SHOOT. THE. DAMN. PRIMEVAL! 10) Win the damn match Man, people are dumb. /end rant/



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • WarlikeTub007により編集済み: 4/4/2019 4:21:57 AM
    Thank heavens I’m not the only one noticing this. As someone who kits out their character for invading (trying to finish Triumphant Invader to get closer to Reckoner), I get SO annoyed when I see my teammates acting stupid. (Sniper rifles aren’t great Blocker killers) Like a full Sentry/Reaper boi deciding to invade and getting one tapped instantly (-_-). Guys, if I’m not immediately invading, it’s probably because I see some ammo I need to grab. Hold your horses. And stop hogging the portals! Or when I’m trying to bank my 5 motes and then get mobbed by three medium/large blockers, and get absolutely no help. I see you three standing in the corner doing nothing! Or, even more ridiculous, when we get invaded and I die to the invader but bring him so low a tickle will kill him, and my teammates somehow not only fail to kill him, but all die to him too. Like what the hell guys? The icing on the cake is when there’s other Invaders on my team (1-2 others) and they just sit next to portal doing jack all. HELP PLEASE? (Also, if you’re an invader, and fail to get a single kill more than once, just stop hoarding the portal.) Kudos to that one blueberry Titan I played with one match (sorry for not remembering your username) who was running invader though, saw I was running it too, and swapped to Reaper and actually did his role, allowing me to work on my Triumph. You’re the real MVP.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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