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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
4/1/2019 9:38:38 PM

The removal of pvp in D3 started with the removal of Cayde-6

Bungie intentionally killed off cayde-6 for the following reasons 1) Nathan Fillion wanted a substantial raise due to his popularity at the time and Bungie didn’t have the money to give him due to other questionable financial decisions where lead to Bungie to lose a lot of money. 2) there were people within Bungie with a power struggle on which direction and story telling destiny should be headed in the future. Luke Smith purposely bombed D2 at the beginning and had others piece together the game back to where it should be. This lead to people like the two that recently left to spend a lot more time focusing on other aspects of the game causing pvp to fail. 3) hunters are left without a vanguard. This will make it easier to remove hunters from D3 as there is no direction for them and since hunter class is the easiest class to use in destiny and a common class in pvp, this is an easy decision to remove pvp in D3 since there is no use for hunters going forward Some people at Bungie have been planning on removing pvp for a while, now that Activision is gone, their plan can finally take place. Luke smith is a genius and should get more credit than he receives. He knew what he was doing since day 1. Destiny could be dragged thru the mud but it will still come out on top due to the name recognition of Bungie for making halo So long hunters and so long pvp!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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