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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
NotAPyroにより編集済み: 3/26/2019 2:11:34 AM

Let’s discuss comp...

So for myself, and from what I’ve heard from others, it’s relatively easy to get to fabled. Which is awesome, the more people who can get there hands on things like the recluse the better. (though it didn’t have as satisfying a feeling of getting it as Luna’s) Regardless, the weapons I had seen at earlier levels were so nicely varied that the occasional piece of garbage with a Luna’s and a dust rock was actually bearable, but the minute you hit fabled anything that slowly changes. You see one thing majorally, Spectral blade hunters with Luna’s and Dust Rock, btw the heavy is irrelevant because when you come up against a group of these you won’t have to worry because it’s irrelevant. Rant aside this needs to be changed, as enjoyable as the comp grind isn’t supposed to be this is just anal -blam!-, so please bungo halp. My current ideas are that spectral blades duration 100% needs to be taken down a peg (not sure how much to avoid nova warping the super) and the reach needs to not be a mile in front and all around the user. (Obvious over-analysis) As for the armaments I feel that dust rock has held its title for way to long as the best pairing with Luna’s, if we are to keep Luna’s in crucible (which is more likely than not) why not give it a better pairing than a current record-holder for most like felwinters But obviously these are my current thoughts and if you have anything to add or debate, let’s I’d like to hear other opinions and such about the lack of variety in the crucible (don’t get me started on quick play nf users)



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • I think you have to really just look at your opponents load out and play accordingly. I just made a new account on PC and solo'd to fabled in a day using blue gear (Azimuth DSU and a Fussed Dark Mk21 ftw). I would switch to a scout when I knew I needed better range. If you peak and you know you're going to lose an engagement then you need to have muscle memory to back out immediately. Don't engage unless you have the advantage (i.e. you shot first or you have a teammate backing you up). Luna's is extremely prevalent above 2100 because everyone is doing the steps for NF (master Luna's Howl quest). Dust Rock is very competitive because of the range and impact but there are other options if you're playing smart (recluse, retold tale, chaperone, fighting lion). You just have to play your corners differently if you know they're aping. As far as spectral blades yeah I do think the armor buff is too much - I get two tapped out of a golden gun but a spectral blades can tank multiple shotguns at point blank? The only work around to this is to counter with a super or team shoot them down as quickly as possible. A tip if you're also playing spectral blades: a lot of people spam r1 against each other, tap your r2 and watch opposing spectral blades fall EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Additionally if you're on console good luck... 180 rpm HCs are the meta as well as dust rock, the counter is to use the same thing and be better. I have mained console up until a few days ago (PS4) and getting to fabled to get Luna's was a lot harder for me but doable. The trick for me:. If I lost 2 games in a row I took a break and didn't get discouraged and came back later. Also the time that you play really matters as well as the people you team up with. If you're a low glory don't team up with high glory unless they're specifically carrying you. If you're on PC feel free to message me and I'll give you my and I'll play with you! Good luck and remember competitive is the place you go to win to get the exclusive gear so everyone is trying to win so they'll use whatever is working the best - if they nerf dust rock then something else will take it's place and everyone will flock to that and that will be the next thing to complain about.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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