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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Veilfire07により編集済み: 3/27/2019 5:07:22 PM

The Gamechanger - I wish Hawkmoon would come back.....

I am not saying all the problems the crucible is plagued with would go away. What I am saying is, this thing of Luna's Howl being the only meta in crucible will be turned to dust if this gun were to be bought back. For the uninitiated Hawkmoon belongs to a trio of guns back in Destiny 1 Vanilla which broke anything and anyone that stood in their way in crucible. Thorn, Hawkmoon & Vex Mythoclast. With the 'Holding Aces' exotic perk, hawkmoon can be a game changer in crucible today and might be the one gun capable of dethroning Luna's Howl. While I appreciate pinnacle PVP weapons, to have one gun hold the meta this long ain't cool. Please Bungie bring back hawkmoon, I ain't asking you guys to nerf Luna's I am just asking for my Hawkmoon back. Cheers to y'all :)



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