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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Ogma: Destroyer of Worldsにより編集済み: 3/24/2019 2:21:09 AM

Modifiers should be in challenge/prestige modes only....

....not in default public matchmade activities. There’s a potential level of cohesion required for something like that and a bunch of solo players don’t have that. Prism is a prime example of why. My attempts at tier 2 of this have shown me that it’s not even worth bothering with the Reckoning this week for a solo queuer. Can’t even beat a tier 1 at 685 this week. It’s a public matchmade activity. The default version should just be challenging on its own merit and not because of the imposition of arbitrary modifiers. That should be reserved for players that want an extra challenge and there should be cosmetic rewards for it so they can “show off” what they’ve done. The Reckoning suffers because of this. What could easily be another fun activity is marred by poor execution. The matchmaking process for it included.



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