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JonnyMadDog1により編集済み: 3/17/2019 6:20:45 AM

'Conservatism Inc.' personalities' intellectual dishonesty...

'Conservatism Inc.' YTubers are (((wh0res))) who just don't wanna get a real job and want to marry a rich boytoy that looks like a reject from Hary Pottr they can dress up that won't cheat on 'em like their hi skool chums did when they were more openly sluhtty because those poor blokes saw how damaged in the head they were! This cultural narcissism of statues of naked people and 'fashwave' music reactionary-ness is fueling the antithesis of the Hgelian Dialectic of divide-n-conquer for their nefarious patrons, whomever those may be. They dip into both 'sides'. It's all about money and power, what else is new??? Like a bad B-action-flick plot. They're leftist and no different than the Antifuh/SJW-types that peddle merely a different flavor of bulshyt, but the peddling method is still the same, and the bulshyt is merely flipped, reversed, or inverted. Yuh can dress a turhd up, take a tuhrd out, but at the end of the day... It's STILL a tuhrd! Value is SUBJECTIVE and NO SOCIAL-ENGINEERING IS REQUIRED to feel comfortable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Genetic-engineering doesn't work. Eugenics is bulshyt. Whyt people have kylled each other and brwn people and yello-people have kylled yello-people and built walls that didn't work and came back to haunt 'em in the future when commies took over...although they've ALWAYS been communist ALL pushing the 'greater good' fallacy merely for a different class. It's not an abolition of classes, it's a class takeover of dynastic families with money vs. other dynastic families with money...for aliens and drugs and poosee and tang and gold and power and ego and whatever the fuhk....hayt against humanity in hedonistik nihilism. Pick yr poison. Statist-right-wingers need to learn more of non-statist-right-winger ideology and non-statist-right-wingers need to get off the caricature of 'dood w33d' and present empirical evidence, empirical premises, not moral imperative arguments falling to social-engineering, of how the State, the monopoly on credit, arbitration, and defense and agriculture, simply DOES NOT WORK! It doesn't PRODUCE ANYTHING and merely consumes! Production, saving, and investment leads to peace and prosperity better than consumption and spending and hero-worship. Always blaming others and worshipping others. Follow yrself and yr own path and own up to yr own mistakes. REAL MEN of value value that in women. These chyks do that, they get a good hubby someday. Eye wish for at least one eye care about and have followed for quite some time and been trying to contact for over a year straight knowing about 'er for three years and falling for 'er over a year ago to realize this stuff and pick mself up and listen to muh messages, for 'ER OWN BENEFIT, perhaps mutual benefit. Show examples of NON-State solutions to conundrums posited by statist-minded individuals/collectives. Help 'em understand what REAL libertarianism and REAL individualism are and REAL anarchy is and what the State REALLY is and how to go about expropriating the State into decentralized, localized, economies-of-scale and polycentric law is feasible and practical today and get to work. Show examples of non-State actors saving the day (private security) and providing disaster relief and arbitrating disputes and providing defense and credit (currencies valued by those who value them, anonymous preferably, instant, fungible, scarce, sound, malleable, etc.) and things working out better in the end for that given solute population, which does NOT need to collectivize to stop and impending aggressive solvent in such a fashion! Do NOT let statist-minded folk conflate social organization, hierarchies (VOLUNTARY ONES) with having no rulers, as a boss in a company is not a ruler and using a currency is not antithetical to being an anarchist as the more egalitarian 'left-libertarian' (tankies-in-the-closet). It's intellectually dishonest. A private company/social organization even animls can have =/= (does NOT equate to) 'the State'. 'Conservative'? More like 'CoMservative'. At least progressive-liberals are honest about their mental impairment, but these folk have the audacity to lie about their own and some people actually believe them! G'night!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Musta been public schooling, then. That's what hapens. Tragedy of the commons in indoctrin-edumacashun... Tsk, tsk. Got TOO MANY skools and hiring any sociopath for teaching, leading to standardized testing and that just doesn't freakn' work at all. It's downhill from there with admin getting paid more than teachers doing the actual work and getting stressed out. Just got back from a bookstore with a teenage chyk (white with glasses, black hair) trying to convince 'er grammuh to pay for a magazine about the 1920s and for some reason the ol' lady wasn't having it for awhile and then the chyk gave in after a shaky explanation of why 'er teacher wanted printed sources (to learn to classically source because of anti-internet bias...probably because the teacher wants to push an agenda that big media pushes and the internet can/has debunked...which the ol' lady even suggested when asking why the teacher doesn't know what the internet/s is/are) and this chyk couldn't articulate a coherent sentence together without the usual idiosyncracies and idioms and speech whispers, like 'like', 'um', 'yuh know', etc.. Like, like, like, like.... BOOM! Jsus... 'Course can't complain. It's not 'er fault. It's the STATE'S FAULT! These YTube clown-journalists only come out of the woodwork to bully these little gurls because they KNOW they're the only ones who will look dumb compared to them, and they're psychos who get off on this shyt...they're low-hanging fruit, hi skool/college little gurls are. They just repeat textbook talking points. That's why the internet is banned in classrooms and workplaces, because the internet contains THE TRUTH!!! In a world full of lies, telling the truth is a UNIVERSAL revolutionary act!



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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