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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
HitokiriZenkaiにより編集済み: 2/24/2019 1:07:21 AM


Stop nerfing. Just stop. Buff yes, nerf no. Making something weaker makes it less fun and obviously less effective in combat. Fun factor in a game is most important. I realize you need to tune stuff in PvP but keep the nerfs contained within PvP. PvE, if anything, needs more of the power fantasy. Make us OP. It’s fun! I know people have forgotten that term but games are meant to be fun! Making abilities and weapons weaker subtracts from the fun factor. This is a game! Go all out and make us gods of destruction! People seem to care more about balance than just having fun. On more than one occasion you said you would bring other abilities/weapons up instead of nerfing. You also said you would tune PvP in a way so it wouldn’t conflict with PvE. Lies. Come on Bungie. You have the best looter shooter ever! And yet you are slowly but surely destroying it! Nova Warp is absolutely trash now as an example. I know I will get a lot of hate for this, but if PvP was taken out of this game it would solve so many problems. The two biggest issues it would eliminate are: Balancing nerfs that negatively effect PvE and it would get rid of the incredibly toxic PvP crowd. There are plenty of PvP games out there that specialize in PvP. Go play those games. Destiny is better as a PvE game. Exploring beautiful worlds, fighting fantasy alien monsters, solving puzzles, and just having fun! PvP in this game is just bad. How you people enjoy it is beyond me. I believe games should be either PvE or PvP. Not a combination of both. Obviously devs can’t pull it off. Bungie you are losing players. Stop nerfing and start buffing. And for Gods sake, separate PvE and PvP sandboxes and buff Nova Warp back to the way it was in PvE. Sorry for the bluntness but nerfs really get to me. Most of the time they are unwarranted and completely unnecessary. Nova was fine in PvE. So was the Hunters BB super. At least that Super is still good. Seriously you need to rethink how you handle sandbox adjustments. Every time I read the TWAB and see Sandbox tuning as a topic my heart sinks because every time you do anything to the sandbox you always make a few things better but nerf other abilities or weapons for the sake of PvP. Of course this time you are nerfing shotguns because too many people enjoy a particular archetype. Why do you feel the need to change the meta for the sake of changing the meta. Just make other abilities or weapons stronger to add options. Instead you give us one good load out per season. You have 3 subclasses per character. How about you make them all relevant at the same time! Throw away the meta mentality and make everything good and effective so we can choose a load out based on play style and personal taste and not whether or not it’s the meta. We can play anti meta load outs but it’s not as effective as most abilities in the anti meta category are nerfed. Nova Warp. I know certain circumstances require certain load outs like raids, but a player shouldn’t be punished for using anti meta weapons or abilities. If everything was effective I would switch up load outs more often. But you refuse to break the game. In a good way. You seem to be afraid to give us power. You have moments of brilliance and moments of utter stupidity. Listing to YouTubers and the PvP side exclusively is one of your problems. If you separated PvE and PvP you could cater to both sides at the same time and sandbox adjustments would be easier. Most importantly you wouldn’t render entire classes and weapons useless. And you wouldn’t piss off half the community. Thank you and I wish only the best for this amazing game! Edit: There are PvP players in other posts saying nerfs are necessary. I agree. In PvP only. Absolutely I agree. There has to be balance so no one class or weapon dominants. But it’s rather redundant since that happens anyway. You nerf one thing another takes over. It’s a circular never ending mess. People are missing the point though. PvE does not require nerfs. Unless something is so broken you can kill a boss just by firing a single shot or something. But even in PvP nerfs do more harm than good most of the time. They essentially make an ability or whatever it is obsolete. Adjustments are required but they need to be done correctly and intelligently. Bungie unfortunately over nerfs things and even worse nerfs them in a mode where they are not OP. Like NW in PvE. If anything it needed a little more power in PvE. Any nerfs in PvE are almost always unnecessary and make the experience worse rather than better. Nerfing something makes it less fun and less practical. That’s undeniable. Again this is a game that’s supposed to be about a power fantasy. To immerse oneself in a world where we can battle great beasts with amazing powers. Nerfing doesn’t even make since from a perspective of the world in game. Imagine if guardians were real and all of a sudden got weaker because the Darkness complained Nova Warp was too OP so the Traveler nerfed us! Sorry lol bad example. Anyway crucible has been said to be the worst PvP in the industry. Not my words, I’ve just read that from other PvPers in the past. So obviously what and how they are tuning the sandbox isn’t working. And on top of that many people are justifiably angry because they have been nerfed in PvE for a reason that does not directly concern them. It’s like if a boss from another company you’ve never even heard of lowered your wage at your company. Thats not at all fair. Bungie may have the authority and power to nerf but that doesn’t make it Right! Again sorry for the imperfect analogy. I tried to imagine PvP and PvE as two separate companies. Adjustments to staff in one should not effect the other directly. And honestly it’s selfish and childish to call for nerfs. If you get killed by something you cry nerf. Ok So that something is nerfed. But do you not care you just ruined another persons class because you were defeated. Also it’s an endless cycle of nerfs and buffs until the first thing that was nerfed is buffed again. It’s insane. If a Hunter kills a titan they cry. If a titan kills a Hunter the Hunter cry’s and same with Warlocks I’m sure. Point is people hate to lose so they try to make it so that they can win by calling nerf. Keep nerfs in PvP. They are rarely needed in PvE and never wanted. Thank you again and have a good day!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • [quote]Stop nerfing. Just stop. Buff yes, nerf no. Making something weaker makes it less fun and obviously less effective in combat. Fun factor in a game is most important. I realize you need to tune stuff in PvP but keep the nerfs contained within PvP. PvE, if anything, needs more of the power fantasy. Make us OP. It’s fun! I know people have forgotten that term but games are meant to be fun! Making abilities and weapons weaker subtracts from the fun factor. This is a game! Go all out and make us gods of destruction! People seem to care more about balance than just having fun. On more than one occasion you said you would bring other abilities/weapons up instead of nerfing. You also said you would tune PvP in a way so it wouldn’t conflict with PvE. Lies. Come on Bungie. You have the best looter shooter ever! And yet you are slowly but surely destroying it! Nova Warp is absolutely trash now as an example. I know I will get a lot of hate for this, but if PvP was taken out of this game it would solve so many problems. The two biggest issues it would eliminate are: Balancing nerfs that negatively effect PvE and it would get rid of the incredibly toxic PvP crowd. There are plenty of PvP games out there that specialize in PvP. Go play those games. Destiny is better as a PvE game. Exploring beautiful worlds, fighting fantasy alien monsters, solving puzzles, and just having fun! PvP in this game is just bad. How you people enjoy it is beyond me. I believe games should be either PvE or PvP. Not a combination of both. Obviously devs can’t pull it off. Bungie you are losing players. Stop nerfing and start buffing. And for Gods sake, separate PvE and PvP sandboxes and buff Nova Warp back to the way it was in PvE. Sorry for the bluntness but nerfs really get to me. Most of the time they are unwarranted and completely unnecessary. Nova was fine in PvE. So was the Hunters BB super. At least that Super is still good. Seriously you need to rethink how you handle sandbox adjustments. Every time I read the TWAB and see Sandbox tuning as a topic my heart sinks because every time you do anything to the sandbox you always make a few things better but nerf other abilities or weapons for the sake of PvP. Of course this time you are nerfing shotguns because too many people enjoy a particular archetype. Why do you feel the need to change the meta for the sake of changing the meta. Just make other abilities or weapons stronger to add options. Instead you give us one good load out per season. You have 3 subclasses per character. How about you make them all relevant at the same time! Throw away the meta mentality and make everything good and effective so we can choose a load out based on play style and personal taste and not whether or not it’s the meta. We can play anti meta load outs but it’s not as effective as most abilities in the anti meta category are nerfed. Nova Warp. I know certain circumstances require certain load outs like raids, but a player shouldn’t be punished for using anti meta weapons or abilities. If everything was effective I would switch up load outs more often. But you refuse to break the game. In a good way. You seem to be afraid to give us power. You have moments of brilliance and moments of utter stupidity. Listing to YouTubers and the PvP side exclusively is one of your problems. If you separated PvE and PvP you could cater to both sides at the same time and sandbox adjustments would be easier. Most importantly you wouldn’t render entire classes and weapons useless. And you wouldn’t piss off half the community. Thank you and I wish only the best for this amazing game! Edit: There are PvP players in other posts saying nerfs are necessary. I agree. In PvP only. Absolutely I agree. There has to be balance so no one class or weapon dominants. But it’s rather redundant since that happens anyway. You nerf one thing another takes over. It’s a circular never ending mess. People are missing the point though. PvE does not require nerfs. Unless something is so broken you can kill a boss just by firing a single shot or something. But even in PvP nerfs do more harm than good most of the time. They essentially make an ability or whatever it is obsolete. Adjustments are required but they need to be done correctly and intelligently. Bungie unfortunately over nerfs things and even worse nerfs them in a mode where they are not OP. Like NW in PvE. If anything it needed a little more power in PvE. Any nerfs in PvE are almost always unnecessary and make the experience worse rather than better. Nerfing something makes it less fun and less practical. That’s undeniable. Again this is a game that’s supposed to be about a power fantasy. To immerse oneself in a world where we can battle great beasts with amazing powers. Nerfing doesn’t even make since from a perspective of the world in game. Imagine if guardians were real and all of a sudden got weaker because the Darkness complained Nova Warp was too OP so the Traveler nerfed us! Sorry lol bad example. Anyway crucible has been said to be the worst PvP in the industry. Not my words, I’ve just read that from other PvPers in the past. So obviously what and how they are tuning the sandbox isn’t working. And on top of that many people are justifiably angry because they have been nerfed in PvE for a reason that does not directly concern them. It’s like if a boss from another company you’ve never even heard of lowered your wage at your company. Thats not at all fair. Bungie may have the authority and power to nerf but that doesn’t make it Right! Again sorry for the imperfect analogy. I tried to imagine PvP and PvE as two separate companies. Adjustments to staff in one should not effect the other directly. And honestly it’s selfish and childish to call for nerfs. If you get killed by something you cry nerf. Ok So that something is nerfed. But do you not care you just ruined another persons class because you were defeated. Also it’s an endless cycle of nerfs and buffs until the first thing that was nerfed is buffed again. It’s insane. If a Hunter kills a titan they cry. If a titan kills a Hunter the Hunter cry’s and same with Warlocks I’m sure. Point is people hate to lose so they try to make it so that they can win by calling nerf. Keep nerfs in PvP. They are rarely needed in PvE and never wanted. Thank you again and have a good day![/quote] Eye mask. You saying that needs a buff?



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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