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2/13/2019 1:59:12 AM


So trying to cancel a game search of gambit and it wouldn't let me. It put me straight into another game then another game. I saved the recording to my playstation to show it happening. I resolved the problem but selecting change character, when logging back on I got the message saying "you left a gambit match before it was completed. Quitting gambit matches negatively impacts the experience of others". So how are you supposed to cancel or quit if it doesn't bloody let you. Your game is implying I am an unfair player who quits, when all I wanted was to go traveller before at bed as its 2am, instead I'm writing my problem on a blog that never gets a reply. This is the forth time in 2 days I've been unable to leave the game search on gambit. I've posted on here before and nothing got done, this ois attempt number 2, if nothing gets done then whats the point????!?!?!?!?!! I'm starting to think it is a bad idea to play some game modes.
#Help #Eververse



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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