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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
2/12/2019 3:35:10 AM

Could Blade Barrage get a small adjustment?

Blade Barrage recently got its nerf for Crucible. I guess the correct term is "adjustment", since they reallocated the super's damage and actually buffed it by increasing the explosion damage, while decreasing the impact damage. Although the "nerf" did help by adding self-damage, it didn't really stop it from being a Crucible monster. Now before anyone says I'm just mad because I'm not good with it or that I don't know how to counter it, I don't use it because I don't feel like using a single use super. I prefer to use Golden or Tether (although Tether could use its own adjustments to make it better with all these instant cast supers that were added) as they work well for my aggression and also can help the team make a comeback. Now I've been saying in other forums that I want a nerf, and I want to give it a small nerf to keep it from being a guaranteed kill for jumping around a corner. Although I don't want another damage nerf, I want it to have a slower cast time, making it more beneficial to use it when you know you'll get a kill and have full health. The slower cast time would also give cause to allow for a tracking buff to help ensure a kill at further ranges. It would also give players time to properly react to the super and be able to get away if near cover, or at far ranges. And before people come downvoting for asking for another nerf. I want the game to succeed in balancing. I want Nova Warp to be a viable option, not a liability, same with Tether, and Blade Barrage, which is why I'm not suggesting a damage nerf because that wouldn't make sense. Also please bring your own opinions and discussions to the thread. I look forward to reading the discussion.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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