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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Grays_KS27により編集済み: 2/20/2019 6:22:30 PM

DFA update (Destiny Fiction Archive)

[quote]EDIT: The update is complete! Please enjoy the Archive and spread it to help the writing community.[/quote] Today the [url=]Destiny Fiction Archive[/url] will be undergoing maintenance. This update could potentially take longer than an hour to complete (or much longer, if any events in real life delay the process). [b]What’s changing?[/b] This update will consist of the following changes: * Expansion of the Archive to further organize the collection. This will be accomplished through the creation of specific posts for each individual letter of the alphabet, in which each writer will be listed in alphabetical order by their username. * The addition of new fanfictions and updates to the collections of existing writers and stories. * Addition and interchanging of hashtags in wake of the forum update and to make the Archive more accessible. * Reorganization of the Main Page, to accommodate links to the expanded collection of posts, as well as additions to the Important Notes and Disclaimers. [b]What will happen?[/b] During the process of this update, every current post will be wiped clean, then refreshed. New posts will be made for the expansion of the Archive. As stated above, this update has the potential to take a long time to finish. This time frame is highly subject to change and delays, but I will finish the process as quickly as possible. Anyone who uses the Archive during the update may be unable to find the desired stories or encounter entire pages of the Archive. The new posts will be made in the #Destiny forum, and will potentially cause some temporary clutter for any users in the forum. When the update is finished, the Archive will be fully-functioning and allow users to easily find and access stories. Please show writers your support by letting them know that you are reading. It’s greatly appreciated and keeps them writing. I will edit this post to notify you when the update is finished. Best wishes, KSeth27



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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