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FdYAcsoyPKN83gLEにより編集済み: 9/18/2020 2:34:18 PM

Malevolent Gods II...

Are they better than none? These malevolent gods? They are poison to us, And the things we held dear. Should we fight these malevolent gods Or do they make us fight ourselves Or nothing at all, But a wall that says no? These malevolent gods were once seen to be such loving gods! Worthy of our worship! However, something changed in them As they hurt themselves. Some blame other beings, Such as the sky And even themselves. But as we grow faithless, We break apart with The rest being made of Mere followers To absolute worshipers. Cult of personality. No one can Pray, Ask, Rely On these malevolent gods... To do something they truly see as loving.... Even though, they are, How they treated us before and recently Makes us see them as these... Malevolent gods... Could they change? To worse or better? Too many questions But yet more ideas of what to think About these malevolent gods... It must be tough to be a god? Hmm? These malevolent gods... Are they better than none? Perhaps, these malevolent gods are loving gods, Or perhaps, These loving gods are malevolent gods all along? (Oh no) (Oh no) [i]*As the lock tightens and the signs declare their presence*[/i]



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