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1/23/2019 6:04:03 PM

D1 content "port over" to D2 special DLC

I'm sure the undertaking to such a project would be massive. But I would truly like to see a DLC drop that at minimum ported over all the raids from D1 to D2. At best, just port over everything with the exception of certain weapons. There's value here trust me, Bungie. If you want to show the community that Bungie is trying to show they are listening to what the community wants, do this. The best part about this is that you wouldn't need to do in one go. Do it along a release schedule. People would understand. And I bet people would be willing to support this by paying for it. Maybe add this as a gift to those who have bought the annual pass while incentivizing others to purchase it. Win-win for everyone. You'd consolidate your community ahead of d3. You'd buy some time for more development for d3. You'd show the community that you value it. Create a new revenue model from recycled material from which the community wants. On top of this, you'd probably have an even greater revenue opportunity with PC players, as it would be a first-time they are allowed to play d1 content there. There's also the added benefit of having a player understand the lore in a more linear way. Anyway, just a thought.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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