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1/18/2019 8:51:33 PM

Don't Forget Bungie! The Drop Rates for the Dreaming City Ghost, Ship, and Sparrow Need Revision

I posted this on reddit sometime back, and thought I'd share here It's been said many times. It's just getting pretty ridiculous now..... 20+ Ascendant Challenge Completions (almost all of them solo) and still no Ghost 15+ Weekly Story Missions Completion and still no Sparrow 17+ Shattered Throne Runs with the works (Wish-Ender, All Corrupted Eggs & Bones, Solo) and still no ship .....and this is all just on one character. More than four month after the release of Forsaken. Recently completed all my runs this week, and once more nothing. Not to mention you can't really grind out these activity except Shattered Throne when its available. I have all Forsaken Exotics except 1K Voices, and yet none of the DC Cosmetics. I can't believe I just wrote that. With the pulse rifle now out of the way, these are the only three things locking me out of Cursebreaker and I know I'm not the only one. At this point it would just make sense to make them guaranteed (or high chance) drops from completion certain DC activities: Collecting all Ahamkara Bones drops should drop one of the cosmetics. Completing the DC Lore Book can also guarantee a cosmetic drop. Solo Run of the throne guarantees the ship. It doesn't get much harder than a solo run... Maybe something like BrayTech Schematics where the drop rates for getting a schematic is higher after each daily reset. In this case, after each weekly reset, the drop chances for a weekly bounty's respective cosmetic are high before completing it. Each week you go without receiving the cosmetic, your chances are higher for the following week. Completing the Ascendant Challenge multiple times increase your chances of getting the Ghost. It should drop from opening the chest. You have a reason to run the challenges more! Hell, I'll even do The Corrupted Solo for a high chance at a cosmetic, haha. Some approaches are better than others. I'm certainly not the first to say these things and certainly won't be the last. Anything can be done at this point. There isn't anything else to prove for the Cursebreaker Seal. I'm just proving I can get lucky.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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