Armor rework that I think Destiny could highly benefit from
To begin, this is going to be a very lengthy post. I will try to shorten it as much as possible but I’d like to get as much detail in as possible as well as state the reason why we need this change. Currently, item and inventory management is extremely annoying. Having to keep all these different armor pieces because they have one or two perks you would like to use for a specific build. I myself basically have my inventory full at most times because I like to play with different builds and I have yet to receive a piece of gear that has everything I could benefit from. So here’s my proposal.
Just simply turn the perks that can be randomly acquired into mods. Or enhancements. (Thus, giving a reason for bungie to keep enhancement cores in the game, for the sake of grinding. Of course, they would be removed from LL infuse requirements.)
How it would work. Let’s take a helm for example. Mask of the Great Hunt. Unlike most helms, this can roll with five perk options as opposed to 4 on normal gear. So, you got that item to drop for you. It would come static without any perks but you could add your own perks, or enhancements to it yourself.
- one targeting enhancement
- one super enhancement (like heavy lifting)
- one scavenger enhancement
- one reserve enhancement
- or your choice of ammo finder
(Of course it would work how it currently does, only one from each side selected)
You could take this system a step further by being able to enhance these perks. So for example, let’s say you chose auto rifle targeting, if you get x amount of kills with that perk selected, you can upgrade it to enhanced auto rifle targeting. Or even scatter projectile targeting. (in order for you to upgrade it, you have to have that enhancement available in your inventory)
This same system would apply to other current perks like unflinching and dexterity perks as well of course. All in all I believe this would work better with the amount of options we currently have in the game to cut down on inventory management as well as allowing us to wear the armor that we like the best. No more mismatched sets for the sake of perks. The option to save a build and quick swap when needed would be nice too, but it wouldn’t necessarily be needed if this system was in place.
I’d love to hear thoughts and suggestions. Of course a weapon re roll system would be nice as well. Would give banshee an actual purpose.