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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
12/2/2018 8:05:08 PM

Need Help - Want to Learn Lev Raid or Other I'm 595+ Warlock

Hello Destiny 2 Community! Most of my online friends play GTA5 or RDR2, and I've played D2 solo for some time [PS4 Platform]. However I'm at the point I would like to start learning and playing more of the Endgame content (i.e.-Raids, Nightfalls, etc.) and would love some help learning and completing the Leviathan Raid as it seems that's a good place to start but I'm open to other raids as well. I have watched numerous videos and done my homework (so to speak) about the raids, but would greatly appreciate if anyone is willing to help teach (NOT CARRY, I'm looking to learn so I can hopefully pass it on eventually) and complete this raid! I've been looking on the Fireteams section on the app but haven't had luck there yet. I would greatly appreciate any help! Thank you for your time!



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