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Vector Mortisにより編集済み: 11/30/2018 4:39:09 PM

I need some help.. Someone, please..

So, I know this is a really bad place to post this, but I honestly don't know where else to look. So I'm going to ask my question straight up then explain. What is the casualty rate for Marine Dog handlers and Marine Artillery? I'm asking, because My girlfriend is enlisting, and if it's not obvious by how I'm posting on here to ask a question. I'm overthinking everything. I cant stop worrying over every little thing that could go wrong, like what if the place she gets deployed to gets bombed after we get into another world war (lets be honest its right around the corner) I could go on asking a whole bunch of scenario's and what if's, but that would get extremely annoying, and I need to know this answer. TL;DR What is the casualty rate for Marine Dog handlers and Marine Artillery? Edit: Shes doing engineering. Anyone know casualty rates for that? I can see how I may seem too worried, but the person I love is joining the Marines. So I think I should be allowed to worry.



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