[RETIRED] Forsaken Vital Information and Known Issues - Updated 11/01/18
[quote][b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/249468791?sort=0&page=0]Click here to visit the latest Forsaken Known Issues thread[/url][/b].[/quote]
Known Issues Continued:
• [b]Players Incorrectly Penalized[/b]: We are investigating an issue where players who complete a PvP match may receive a penalty and an Incomplete Match screen after fully completing the match and returning to orbit.
• [b]Eater of Worlds Ornaments[/b]: We are investigating issues with some ornaments not unlocking properly for players in the Eater of Worlds Raid after meeting the requirements.
• [b]Salute Emote[/b]: We are investigating an issue with the Salute Emote becoming unselectible and being removed from player Emote Collections.
• [b]Element Kill Bounties[/b]: We are investigating an issue with bounties that say "Get [element] kills" when they should say "Get [element] ability kills."
• [b]Bring the Heat Perk[/b]: The Bring the Heat armor perk for Ashen Wake may incorrectly state “Direct hits with Fusion Grenades will recharge grenade energy.” Ashen Wake will not be receiving this additional perk, and players should expect this description to be revised at a later date.
• [b]Dirge Paladin[/b]: The Dirge Paladin Deluxe Edition emblem from Cayde’s Exotic Stash pre-order is called "The Forsaken" in-game.
• [b]Shades of Cayde-6[/b]: The Shades of Cayde-6 shaders emblem from Cayde’s Exotic Stash pre-order are called "Cayde's Duds" in-game.
• [b]New Adventures pop up[/b]: Xbox players may randomly a receive "New Adventures available" pop up while playing.
• [b]Stuck in Orbit[/b]: While in a strike, if Players A & B matchmake and Player A inspects and joins Player B’s fireteam, Player A will get stuck in orbit.
• [b]Faction Rewards[/b]: Some Faction vendors may reference Level 20 rewards in their Faction Reward descriptions.
• [b]Element Kill Bounties[/b]: We are investigating an issue where multiple bounties have objectives for “[element] ability kills” but only say “[element] kills”.
• [b]Heroic Story Rewards[/b]: A player can play a previous week’s story mission and get a Powerful Reward, potentially not notice and then when they play a new activity in the following week they won't get a reward.
• [b]Scan Patrols[/b]: We are investigating an issue where the Triumph for completing 20 Scan Patrols does not increment correctly.
• [b]Ghost Cache Detection[/b]: Some cache detection Ghost perks will not work on certain destinations.
• [b]Entering the Gulch[/b]: In a 3-player fireteam, one player can enter the Gulch from the Plains before activating interactable device, blocking the other two fireteam members.
• [b]Unlocking Patrols for New Characters[/b]: In order to unlock Patrols, characters have to reach max level then level up one time, or players can wait until Forsaken launches and play through the first few missions.
• [b]Leviathan[/b]: We are investigating reports of players being unable to access Leviathan.
• [b]Sturm Catalyst Progression[/b]: We are investigating reports of the Sturm Catalyst not progressing properly since the 2.0.0 update.
• [b]Sandbox Gameplay[/b]: We are investigating reports of issues impacting sandbox gameplay, including aiming down sights not cancelling properly.
• [b]Light Level Armor[/b]: Players who own only the base Destiny 2 game and Curse of Osiris will not be able to infuse the Solstice of Heroes armor into other armor pieces when Forsaken launches.
• [b]Xûr’s Three of Coins[/b]: After Update 2.0.0, Xûr will no longer sell the Three of Coins consumable. The consumable will be able to be dismantled for Legendary Shards after the launch of Forsaken.
• [b]Lest Ye Be Judged[/b]: After Update 2.0.0, Trials of the Nine will be on hiatus, and players will be unable to unlock the "Lest Ye Be Judged" Trophy or Achievement during this time. Due to this, PlayStation players will not be able to unlock the Platinum Trophy. Players should stay tuned to our News page for future announcements regarding Trials of the Nine.[/quote]
[b][u]RESOLVED ISSUES[/u][/b]
For a list of the most recent updates to Destiny, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Category?category=Updates]click here.[/url]
Please see below for a list of Destiny 2: Forsaken issues resolved in Updates or Hotfixes:
[quote][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/47377]Hotfix 2.0.5[/url]
• Increased the spawn rate of the Ascendant Primeval Servitor
• Fixed an issue where the SUROS Regime scope was opaque yellow
• Fixed an issue where Polaris Lance’s The Perfect Fifth perk was not triggering
• Increased base Wish-Ender damage
• Fixed an issue where Wish-Ender’s Broadhead perk would not activate properly, which would result in a loss of damage
[quote][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/47335]Hotfix 2.0.4[/url]
• Removed the Limited Edition triumph.
• Fixed an issue where the Rifleman triumph was not unlocking for some players.
• Fixed an issue where some Season 3 faction emblems were not appearing in Collections.
• Fixed an issue where Healing Rift and Well of Radiance could prevent weapon perks such as White Nail and Magnificent Howl from working properly
•• Note: This introduced a bug where White Nail may occasionally activate after 2 hits. This will be addressed in a future update.
• Fixed an issue in which using the Phoenix Protocol Exotic chest with Well of Radiance could result in weapons not rendering
• Fixed an issue where One Thousand Voices would sometimes speak at the volume of One Hundred Thousand Voices
• Fixed an issue where Gambit clan engrams were not functioning properly
• Fixed an issue where powerful gear could sometimes drop at the same Power level as a character or below
• Fixed an issue where the Cataloguer emblem was repeatedly sent to postmaster for some players
• Fixed an issue where Offering to the Oracle was not being properly consumed on use for some players
• Fixed an issue where bounties could expire in a players Post Master and cause WEASEL errors
• Fixed an issue where boosted players could not receive Destiny 2 achievements for the boosted class
•• Players will now receive the achievement when unlocking the first node of a new subclass
• Sturm quest will now increment when picking up Legendary and Exotic engrams
• Pinnacle wanted bounties from Spider will now complete for all members of the fireteam
• Fixed an issue where some players were unable to access the Strike playlist
• Fixed an issue where the Blind Well could become locked if multiple players tried to activate it at once
• Heroic completion on the Rift Generator public event now consistently grants the appropriate rewards and properly counts toward Heroic public event completions
• Fixed an issue where Offering to the Oracle was not being properly consumed on use for some players
• The charge bar on compound Bows now fills in two stages to directly reflect the two stages of the drawing animation
• All Iron Banner bounties will now reward powerful gear
• Fixed an issue where Prime Engrams were going straight to the postmaster at the end of Crucible matches; they will now show alongside other end-of-match rewards
• Increased Scout Rifle damage against combatants
• Fixed an issue where players could not receive credit for the Destiny 2 achievement for completing the weekly Flashpoint
[spoiler]• Players may now progress the “Cayde’s Will” quest step by defeating either invaders or general enemies with Hand Cannons
• Fixed an issue where players can get stuck with the Origin Story or the Last Dance weapons if they use the character level boost after obtaining them in Homecoming
[quote][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/47247]Hotfix 2.0.3[/url]
• The Offering to the Oracle item now goes to the Postmaster if the player’s consumables inventory is full
• Dragonfly Regalia armor from Eververse now comes with a Masterwork socket
• Fixed an issue where Hand Cannons were not using the correct recoil stats for players on PC
• Fixed an issue where players would sometimes not receive a Seed of Light after interacting with the tree at the end of the mission “Visions of Light”
• Fixed an issue where the Traveler’s Chosen Sidearm could not be dismantled or transferred to the vault (Replaced the Traveler’s Chosen Sidearm with damaged version)
• Fixed an issue where Fossilized Hermaion Blossoms were not being granted from strikes
• Daily clan bounties should now rotate at the daily reset, rather than weekly
• Fixed an issue where some Weekly Challenges were not resetting properly
•• Players who were impacted by this issue should now have their missing Challenges
[quote][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/47213]Hotfix 2.0.2[/url]
• Fixed an issue where Baron Triumphs would not unlock for players who joined an activity in progress
• Fixed an issue with Toggle ADS where players would not auto-cancel out of ADS when expected
• Fixed an issue where Titans walking into the Dawnblade Well of Radiance while blocking with the Sentinel Shield would drain Super energy
• Fixed an issue where Titan Sentinel Super kills would not progress the Code of the Commander subclass path
• Fixed an issue where boosted characters were not unlocking the Curse of Osiris or Warmind campaign triumphs
[spoiler]• Fixed an issue where Cayde's Spicy Ramen Quest was not active for players to receive a Spicy Ramen expired coupon