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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
10/13/2018 4:24:26 PM

IMO Competitive Shouldn’t be the Telesto Master Race.

For those who don’t play FPS’s are frequently as myself, guns that are [u]meta[/u] are guns that -usually- have an easier skill gap, have a faster kill time, or are simply fun to use. I say usually because, more often than not, among the group of 5-10 weapons that are meta because of good reasons, there is one that is meta due to its overpowered nature. Prime example: telesto. I loved using telesto in D1. It was gimmicky, effective and generated hella orbs. When they moved it back to special slot I was happy in D2, but now I am realizing that was a grave mistake by Bungie. Something about telesto is different in D2, and a combination of high stability, and increased amount of projectiles vs. other fusion rifles, and the lack of damage falloff resulting from the attachable projectiles makes the gun just feet short of being a sniper. It outperforms most other fusions at close ranges, and [i]all[/i] other fusions batting linears (which are heavies to begin with) at longer ranges. In my opinion, fusions should rule the 10-25 meter ranges that shotguns and snipers cannot dominate as well in. They should be countermeasures against shotguns, smgs, handcannons, shoulder charge, etc. that can kill at a respectable range. Telesto is easily capable of consistent kills at 30 to even 45 meters and closer. That’s an issue. It is no doubt then, that as a result of this capacity to [i]snipe[/i] people, that telesto is highly used, and somewhat irritating to play against in the competitive gamemode. It clearly needs to be changed, and some people aren’t calling for a move to power slot, but I like using telesto in the special. My suggestion: increase the projectile spread at further ranges so that it can’t snipe people. Simple. It would remain a powerful weapon with the cool sticky bombs perk, but it wouldn’t be killing me 40m away and it would diversify competitive with other fusions and even some snipers because it frees up those longer ranges. I know people are just going to tell me to get good and counter it by not sucking, but if you have a constructive comment, please share your thoughts below. :)



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Luisにより編集済み: 10/15/2018 4:20:16 AM
    [quote]For those who don’t play FPS’s are frequently as myself, guns that are [u]meta[/u] are guns that -usually- have an easier skill gap, have a faster kill time, or are simply fun to use. I say usually because, more often than not, among the group of 5-10 weapons that are meta because of good reasons, there is one that is meta due to its overpowered nature. Prime example: telesto. I loved using telesto in D1. It was gimmicky, effective and generated hella orbs. When they moved it back to special slot I was happy in D2, but now I am realizing that was a grave mistake by Bungie. Something about telesto is different in D2, and a combination of high stability, and increased amount of projectiles vs. other fusion rifles, and the lack of damage falloff resulting from the attachable projectiles makes the gun just feet short of being a sniper. It outperforms most other fusions at close ranges, and [i]all[/i] other fusions batting linears (which are heavies to begin with) at longer ranges. In my opinion, fusions should rule the 10-25 meter ranges that shotguns and snipers cannot dominate as well in. They should be countermeasures against shotguns, smgs, handcannons, shoulder charge, etc. that can kill at a respectable range. Telesto is easily capable of consistent kills at 30 to even 45 meters and closer. That’s an issue. It is no doubt then, that as a result of this capacity to [i]snipe[/i] people, that telesto is highly used, and somewhat irritating to play against in the competitive gamemode. It clearly needs to be changed, and some people aren’t calling for a move to power slot, but I like using telesto in the special. My suggestion: increase the projectile spread at further ranges so that it can’t snipe people. Simple. It would remain a powerful weapon with the cool sticky bombs perk, but it wouldn’t be killing me 40m away and it would diversify competitive with other fusions and even some snipers because it frees up those longer ranges. I know people are just going to tell me to get good and counter it by not sucking, but if you have a constructive comment, please share your thoughts below. :)[/quote] WAY MORE OP SHOTGUNS AND WARDCLIFF IN COMP this is bogus guys... learn to not be predictable and rush smart less mindless Apes less Telesto deaths simple as that. You're hilarious. If it wasnt telesto back peddling you when you rush it would be Luna and wardcliff op you'd complain about, learn the maps stop please.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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