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9/28/2018 9:25:04 PM

Honest question

Can you get duplicates from Bright Engrams purchased with Silver? If so, why? I've only bought like $5 worth of Silver on the last day of Season 3, trying to get an ornament I missed, and I don't know exactly what I got but I swear at least one of them was a ghost shell I already owned. My problem with this is that not only did I put in the time to grind my butt off in Season 3, I didn't get the ONE ornament I actually wanted, and even after paying money, I still got gipped. If this is the case right now, I'm pleading with you to please change it Bungie. If we put money into Bright Engrams, there's absolutely no reason we should only see items we've already acquired, or at the very least it should be an astronomically low chance. Yes, I realize that this essentially guarantees you'll get X item if you've checked off everything else, but considering you can straight up buy most things from Tess for Bright Dust, I think this is more than fair, especially when something is never directly sold by her, you should be able to get it guaranteed for paying real money. Just my thoughts, I'm not too upset about missing out on the ornament, but I think in the interest of player satisfaction it would be a good change.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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