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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
NerFHerdeR4444により編集済み: 9/16/2018 8:31:38 AM

PSA - Guardian Enhancment

Hey Guardian, You wanna feel like a god among peasants!? Lemme introduce you to the EDGE TRANSIT!!! Don't have one yet? DO ANYTHING!!! Do a public event, throw yourself off the tower, afk a crucible match or go 45 and 0 you're still gonna get that EDGE BABY!!! In no time you'll be hook'n and jabb'n, frag'n and bag'n!!! Wanna shoot Crota in the throat from IO!!?... EDGE TRANSIT!!! Wanna get Eva Levante all hot and bothered!!?... EDGE TRANSIT!!! Wanna get the same weapon from that blue clown 47 times in a row!!?... Mother... BEEEEP... EDGE TRANSIT!!! Dream shattering, tear creating, fourth wall breaking, sandwich making!!!... EDGE TRANSIT!!!!!! GET YOU ONE!!! Side effects may include: Rage quit - Salty forum - Fusion Rifle Nerf - Neck Beard - Banshee memory loss - Progression stall - Feeling "Edgy" - Trash Posts



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