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9/8/2018 7:08:28 PM

Bandwidth requirements for Forsaken

Hello, After the 2.0 update I've been experiencing that Destiny 2 uses a lot more upload bandwidth than it has in the past. For most solo missions, adventures and the likes, I've been fine, but in activities with a lot of Guardians involved (crucible, EP etc.), I am seeing spikes of 120+ KB/s, where in missions and adventures, this is down to 15-20 KB/s. One thing that strikes me as particulary odd, is that neither Kaspersky or Windows Task manager count the upload speed that Destiny 2 is using correctly, but monitoring my connection through my router with no other devices connected, show that as soon as I load into Crucible or Gambit my upload starts spiking into the 100-120 KB/s range, with Windows and Kaspersky only reporting 15-20 KB/s I do not have numbers for pre-Forsaken, but I did fine then. The increase in upload is taxing on my connection, since the spikes are basically maxing out my connection upload wise, which causes rubberbanding and Discord to freak out. I live in an area where my options for upgrading are pretty poor, but I do have phone tethering to fall back upon if it gets too bad. I've also gotten into contact with my ISP to check if there's any problems on my connection, but they are still investigating. So my question is: has the network requirements for Destiny 2 increased, or changed, in anyway together with the launch of the expansion/2.0 update?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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