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オリジナルの投稿元: Redrix's Broadsword Quest Steps
8/26/2018 3:40:33 PM
Are you kidding? 5 valor resets is childs play. i expected something like 25 or more. I think this is too easy. Not that I mind tho. Made me stop trying to get claymore. -blam!- competive. This is way easier.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • The most unbearable shit in this game is its PvP with completely unbalanced abilities and weapons. And only if you are one of the insane few who really play PvP in this game voluntarily doesnt mean that wasting even more time in this mode just to get the gun is "childs play" for normal people. I srsly have no idea whats wrong with people building there whole gear around PvP in a PvE-balanced game. If there is any balancing at all. And then only play guns like Better Shitvils, AoS or Vig. Wing or whatever instead of playing the game as what it is.... a PvE game which sadly has a PvP mode that you are forced to play to get all Powerful Gear pieces a week. "Childs Play"... i wonder how many hours it takes for normal people to reach 5 resets. PS: Only because Claymore was even harder doesnt mean that its alright as it is now.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • With the new ttk changes and rangef weapons becomkng more deadly combined with the shotguns outside of powerslot. I can see how the crucible will return to D1 grade



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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