Everyone is bitching....meanwhile I'm just glad to get a good gun. Thanks bungie! If you don't like it, don't play. They aren't saying you have to complete this quest......
Who cares? I mean, sure, the people who got their useless little trophy are having aneurysms, but thankfully they’re a small voice. I’m all for the Broadsword being a thing as a second chance at getting a relevant version of the gun.
No there should be no second chance competitive was all equal opportunity people could've went and played but they played pve instead or complained that they were losing as a solo player which comp isnt even designed for the only people who don't deserve it is the little I'll pay 400 dollors so I can feel like a big boy player
You've got a chance but in the end remember claymores are wielded by kings and officials of high status broadswords are carried by foot soldiers so if you wanna compare it that way ya know that just means I'm above you like I said enjoy the gun you didn't earn scrub still wont make you good one of these days pve is gonna get the bone for pvp and guess what when that time comes I'm gonna laugh because I love both and will play both no matter what but you thinking your something special cause your getting the scraps from the big boy table no your getting a hand out because they feel sorry for the cry babies like yourself
What are you talking about I get to skip the quest and get the new version before you and it's really not arrogance it's the fact that they lied and are going back on they're word giving all these people a gun they dont deserve not arrogance if you earned it you deserve it if not then nope just like d1 trials you go flawless and get adept weapons you earned it but they are essentially reskinning a "adept" weapon and handing it to the cry babies its mind boggling I hope they change they're mind last minute and do not give all the people who didn't earn it the gun or at least name it redrixs scrublord if you dont own a claymore
Its half and half bro I am pretty salty bungie lied and went back on they're word not happy about it but I'm gonna make a huge joke out of it and troll with this king and peasant talk so I might as well enjoy it
You realize that things change in the games life. Every patch. This time Bungie changed something you didn’t want them to, but in other patches they changed things you don’t care about. They can change their minds without “spitting in faces” or “breaking a promise”. Lighten up it’s just a game.
They aren’t giving it to everyone, they are giving it to the people who got claymore (they can get it to drop day 1 minute 1). They are giving the people who didn’t earn claymore a path to earn Broadsword. This isn’t the first time Bungie changed their mind and changed the game because of it and it won’t be the last.
It was inevitable that a new version was going to be released anyways, one way or the other. The Claymore is already sort of mediocre, especially given the fact that random rolls are just around the corner.
I mean I didn't think so when they said it's going away after s3 that was a promise to me and them telling me hey of you wanna own one of the rarest guns in d1 history go for it and it sorta it but it all dosnt matter cause they did this so just like all the other times I'm just calling the bull when I see it no offense to you man wasnt trying to be rude