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Weswyにより編集済み: 8/10/2018 2:33:00 AM

The Jade Rabbit







Although I have not yet obtained this exotic scout rifle yet. I am aware of its highlights and its downfalls. Now by no means am I saying this weapon is neither good or bad, because it all comes down to the user and how they handle this weapon. However out of all the exotic weapons, The Jade Rabbit is 1 of 2 exotic weapons that has 1 intrinsic trait and 3 standard traits. Compare this to every exotic weapon which have 1 intrinsic plus 4 standard traits (with the exception of 1 perk that compliments the exotic perk in a special way)*. The strengths of The Jade Rabbit: 1. High impact (more damage) 2. Long range 3. Exotic weapon catalyst* The weakness of The Jade Rabbit: 1. Poor handling 2. Poor time to kill (TTK) in PvP 3. Low ammo capacity Arguably this weapon is not completely balanced. The result is entirely based upon personal opinions. However, I believe the biggest downfall of the weapon is the low ammo capacity and the efficiency of TTK. Landing headshots or activating the exotic perk is vital to the success of winning a gun fight. I believe that having low ammo capacity plays a large deciding factor to this downfall. How do we improve this without changing any base stats of the gun? My suggestion would be to add a new trait that might compliment the weapon’s functionality and hopefully make it feel more ‘exotic’. What perk do we want to see added onto The Jade Rabbit? Vote in the poll and leave a comment below what you guys think :)



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