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8/1/2018 3:22:02 AM

Behold, millions of PTSD howls as Scorch overfills PO/Vaults

Since it was you, Bungie, who rode this dead horse into town I'll go ahead and beat it again, because I'm an optimist and maybe morale will improve… We Need Space. I appreciate ongoing efforts to somehow de-cram this 'collecting' game you've designed with small promises of expanded Vault space and other Tardis trickery. Well, try harder! A sinking heart watches Scorch gear overfill inventory. Disappointing to now destroy some bit of gear I've coveted, sheltered, or built up … items we've invested our time+space to have and tune them via mod and tint and emotion face a demand we toss something to make room for the promise of highest-level gear many moons from now. Did I frame this right? Oh, not to overwag finger, but Bungie, remember how I broke up with you - just this year - for throwing all my D1 stuff out the street when I was away? I'm glad you found some of my exotics at the Goodwill, but I'm annoyed you charge ransom for their return while huge chunks of my closet are still empty. I'm just saying I don't think your displaying the proper humble stance here, just yet. You couldn't make this an ornament rather than occupying all those inventory gear slots? I find your lack of faith in the player PoV disturbing. I do want to throw you a bone and say I'm playing more now.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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