Half the posts whining about Hunters are pathetic and filled with blind hate. Prove me wrong.
Only half of the complaints are filled with blind hate? Wow you're being pretty generous there OP. I would have been more inclined to go with 75%+ but then again I can't really quantify those stats.
zJDzにより編集済み: 7/30/2018 5:06:00 PMNope hunters are op. Especially bottom tree arcstrider with wormhusk. I was maining a titan but have switch to hunter arcstrider because it is so dominant right now. Proof: https://guardian.gg/2/class-stats?platform=console&mode=5&start=2018-06-24&end=2018-07-24 https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/zjdz/video/56927084/embed Edit: fixed clip link
I think they have the best supers for PvP. That’s it. Otherwise I’m completely content on using Titans and Warlocks for PvP. Golden Gun: Longest Ranged Super. Arcstrider: Most Agile Super. Nightstalker: Best Counter Super. They just dominate. Why use Nova Bomb for a kill or two when you can cancel and incapacitate half the enemies with a shot from your bow? Why use Hammer of Sol when you can go high noon on the enemy team’s bitch ass with the Golden Gun? From [i]any[/i] range? And why use Fist of Havoc or Storm Trance when you can move with twice the agility and speed AND just as much Damage Resistance using Arcstrider? Despite this, I still love using all classes. Hunters aren’t OP, but they just have a bit better supers in PvP, and maybe even PvE.
Lol! 😂😂 hunter is the worst in terms of abilities! Titan has shields with 2 nades! Warlock has a sucker,minions(orbs),healing rift!! And hunters got what?? Triple jump?? Dodge?? Lmao all this ppl who cries on hunter being opie needs a brain check 😝😝 bet those ppl used hunters too even thought they hate it 😁😁 hell they can join the cult! #hunterlives!! 🔥🔥🔥
Enochuaにより編集済み: 7/31/2018 12:44:03 AMThere might be something to this one. Nova bomb vs Arch strider Heads or tails Rock, paper, scissors https://imgur.com/jemaLjj https://imgur.com/6VHt13q not even lag can explain this away. take it to private matches happens every time. Strider "dodged" (it is actually a melee swing) out of the nova bomb and because of the lunge of the melee it acts as a dodge, negating damage. and because of the over the top tracking of the strider melee, hit me while was above his head. BUFF NOVA BOMB damage and radius and it shouldn't kill the person who throws it. Those are melee lunges, none of those moves are dodges. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5bgDixgzVo https://imgur.com/HzYwAHQ Or this might have something to do with it. https://m.imgur.com/KRxIG3L How can the strider lunge that far through the blast radius? Who sees the problem here, but don't want to accept it. nova bomb against every other super, with the impact being that close still one shots it, if the archstrider isn't spamming melee and or dodge it still one shots it, master work armor is not the deciding factor of it being a OHK but rather the spam and the mechanics of the melee and the dodge. And lets not forget a melee that allows them to win every melee fight.
[quote]Half the posts [b]on Bungie.net[/b] are pathetic and filled with blind hate.[/quote]FTFY
And they said hunter were the crybabys but i never saw this much complaint when hunter complain back in d1
I just see it as people venting a little after PvP and don't take them too seriously. Honestly though, I do think Hunters are incredibly easy to use in PvP imo based on my experience. Titans, on the other hand, took me a while to get used to.
Opticにより編集済み: 7/29/2018 10:10:29 PMI'm not hating but I don't like hunters because that's all you ever see in the crucible it's not fun getting matched up with a full team of wormhusk graviton antiope arcstriders over and over again Its just not fun.
I’ll prove you wrong right now, even though most is blind hate lol I dislike Arcstriders. That’s it. I play them, do good with them, but hate them. They’re too easy to play and do great with compared to others. Bungie has even SAID in an interview involving Forsaken, that Hunters are a good class for new players. That alone, helps push my argument, therefore not being blind hate anymore, but assisted hate (: I love Gunslinger and Nightstalker though
Hunters are simply OP. I mean, it's so stupidly obvious and they do nothing about it. It's boring. Same classes, same weapons, same people... It take little skill to run the meta and sorry, hunters are the meta. When I want to do well in crucible, I run the hunter. plain and simple.
Play all classes(even though I’ve taken a break since warmind came out) but was a Day 1 D1 hunter and honestly I’m burnt out on the class, been digging the warlock these days, crimson, devour, Vamp gauntlets in pvp. Try it....
Lunarshadowolfにより編集済み: 7/30/2018 2:26:48 AMThis is just going to be a a mess fest cuz all the characters main r going to get in involved and hunter saying they just hating then other class r going to talk bad about them and y they bad but and hunter going to be like nah u just mad then everyone going to realize that there's more Hunter mains in this entire game so there no way to win against them
As are just about all of the "Bungie hates X Class" posts. Many who make such posts don't take into account that all classes have pros and cons. More importantly, all classes are severely nerfed compared to their former (D1) power. Instead of weighing the argument and seeing it from all sides, far too many choose to exaggerate the downsides of their favored class while exaggerating the pros of others. This is usually coupled with functional knowledge of only their Main. All Classes have players who are guilty of this from posts like "Buff Warlock Grenades", "Titans get no love", and "Buff Hunters now." In the end we all want more power, but that shouldn't come at the expense of being more powerful than our counterparts. [spoiler]#WarlockWisdom[/spoiler]
Went through both balance and destiny2 forums all I seen was a few ammo buff posts, couple titan buff posts and 5 hunters crying nerf for graviton lance.