i think I read 500 kills or something?
so its 5 Kills = 1%
what I am going to do is, go Farm the Leviathan Courtyard, don't complete anything. its going to be waves of waves and waves of enemies.
the problem with the EP and other World activities besides Loot caves are that its influenced by other PVE players in game, so it can drop kills you were targeting.
I'll tell you from experience, it's going to take a while to upgrade it. Also, you may have been right about the Cosmology kills being 5 = 1% in addition to regular kills. Overall it'll take between 500-1000 kills total to complete the whole masterwork. ;-;
Same with the Crimson - although, the crimson might be less, i don't know all i know is, i haven't played with that weapon specifically - (not a lot of kills play time on THAT specific Crimson as it was a new 385 that dropped) i just applied the catalyst and well its completed. it completed on 1013 Kills (that's what the masterwork showed)