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4/28/2018 1:04:44 PM

Make Major Enemies More Interesting

I've been playing a Doom mod recently called the Legendary Complex Addon which has a similar concept in it to Majors, but instead they are called Legendaries. They're gold, they glow and they're 20x more lethal than the base version of those monsters. They run off of a random spawner system which replaces probably 1 in 50 enemies with one of these Legendary variants. These Legendary variants can drop Legendary weapons which are coated in gold and extremely powerful, although they don't work on the Legendary monsters themselves. The way it works is, for example: In the original Doom there are roughly 10 different monsters total. LCA adds variants to those monsters, meaning monster 1 would have a counterpart like monster 1a and 1b etc, and the random spawner will spawn one of those variants there at random. So in Destiny if 5 Dregs were set to spawn somewhere, there's a 5% chance that one will spawn as a Legendary and be a tough fight. All he has to do is move quicker, attack more frequently, maybe teleport and glow. Apply that to Hive Knights, to Ogres, to Wizards and before you know it, Guardians will be on their guard at all times, because at any moment a stronger enemy could spawn). This would create seamless mini-boss encounters. Tho I don't recommend using this system in a raid unless you make our Guardians much stronger. - This isn't really necessary to look at but if you're curious to see the potential of a random spawner system you can check this video out (and/or any video on the channel really) In a mod that I play there are even higher tiers of monsters above Legendary, with the highest being a tie between True Legendary and Vexed Nemesis. Skip to 14:13 for an example of a really powerful variant of an enemy, the Vexed Nemesis Imp. The regular Imp is more comparable to Dregs in Destiny, while the True Legendary Cyberdemon is probably more Oryx tier although he's not in this video.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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