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Destiny について話し合おう
3/1/2018 4:04:34 PM

Dear Bungie...

Dear Bungie, I haven't played Destiny in so long. I miss Destiny so much. You guys made such a great game. I was going back through my Xbox captures and just watching all the fun I used to have with friends on this game. I started to tear up just because of how much this game meant to us and to the community which was so proudly built around it. I miss watching streams of it when I couldn't play it. I miss anticipation for new content. I miss the grind. I miss crucible most of all. I just miss the whole entire game and everything about it. So I thank you for creating such a great game. My biggest wish, and this is coming from a player from the first week of the game, is that it would somehow be remade and fixed. Is there are way at all you guys can bring the game back alive and fix all the changes that were made that ruined the game? Like really sit down and spend a bunch of time to fix this game? Destiny 2 was a fail sadly, even after it came out more people were still playing Destiny, and I was included in that. But if you guys could go back to Destiny and re evaluate it and try really hard to fix it, I'd be willing to pay a ridiculous amount of money to have that. That's how much I miss the game. I know all my friends are the same way. I'm also guessing many core content creators would feel the same way. I just want my favorite game back because nothing matches it and I get bored playing every other game. My Xbox just sits there lonely unless I have friends on to play some game with, but then we all get bored together and end up just talking about the good times we had in Destiny. Is there really truly anyway to bring the game back? From a Guardian who has loved the game in every phase of it's existence, Sincerely, BuckeyeLevi



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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