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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Faji Foxにより編集済み: 1/25/2018 2:19:53 AM

Faction Rally winner is...

New Monarchy! For those of you who either don't play this game, haven't logged on today, or are forum warriors who would rather argue in here over playing the game.... Check out the video above for the loot and maybe have a good laugh! Get the new gun while you're at it. This AR is freaking sniper! Update 1: Hey I understand that this Faction Rally wasn't worth the effort. Honestly sucks we couldn't get our hands on all the new weapons until the final Faction Rally for Season 2. Really, the only way it was worth it to me was the ornaments for all factions. I completed everything, and got the best AR of the 3 that were offered up. Look at it this way. It should be considered an exotic at this point in time. There is no other way to get this weapon, until the next Faction Rally. So if you get it, keep it. It's gone forever if you get rid of it now. Now aside from that, you look like a fool coming in here to complain to a fan base that is still dedicated to playing this game. I've logged close to 300 hours, not as much as those who have hit 2000. I still enjoy this game, and hope that the current problems go away soon. If you disagree and hate on this game, then don't play it. There are plenty of other games on the market to play, not just Destiny/Destiny 2.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Bacon Wrappedにより編集済み: 1/23/2018 9:42:26 PM
    I'll echo the surprise given the winning weapon was the worst, least practical of the three. I want to say the DO gun was the first of the archetype Veist legendaries with High caliber rounds. Interesting implications here: [i]- Most players don't care about the prize weapons stats - Most don't understand or pay attention to the prize weapons stats. Maybe only looks? - Care more about the Faction non-prize gear and shaders (faction engram gear). [/i] I know for the first two rallies I cared more about the gear that dropped from engrams than the prize but after two rallies, and without much a change to the engram gear, I only really (kind of) cared about the prize. Maybe people have different priorities? EDIT: Never mind it was the Fwc auto that had high caliber. The DO had Zen Moment, which would have been okay. Fwc would have been better.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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