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Grays_KS27により編集済み: 1/21/2018 10:09:09 AM


I'm so sorry it's taken this long to post my next chapter, but I have good news! I just posted chapter 10 of Survivors (in 5 parts). It's been awhile since I posted Ch.9, but Ch.10 is supposed to take place immediately after Ch.9, which means they'll be celebrating the Festival of the Lost still. ALSO, my next chapter of Blank Slate (chapter 33) will be another crossover with Foxburton99. HE WILL BE POSTING IT as one of his Legend Untold chapters. BUT, he is still in the process of posting his next chapter and making a Crimson Days chapter, so it may be awhile before he posts the new Blank Slate crossover. DONT WORRY, I WILL POST A LINK TO THE CROSSOVER WHENEVER HE POSTS IT. Until the crossover chapter is finished and posted, I WONT be able to continue Blank Slate (because that chapter does forward the story and I can't just skip it). UNTIL THEN, I will still be posting Survivors chapters. Wish us luck, and thanks so much to my readers! You're all amazing, and the only reason we write! If you haven't already read Legend Untold, Blank Slate, or Survivors, I recommend you do. Follow the hashtags and Table of Contents links below to check them out. My Master Post (links to Blank Slate, Survivors, and more): Foxburton99's Master Post (Legend Untold and more):



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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