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11/25/2017 6:13:44 AM

Loot-a-Palooza key and Dance Party loot.

Hi! My teammate looted a Loot-a-Palooza key in Leviathan Raid, yesterday. We came back to to Tower and started Open Event in tower, but when we became loot a chests, there was nothing but 50 glimmer. But anyway we looted a Dance Party key. Next we went to New Monarchy's dancefloor, and started second event. And we looted NOTHING! No loot, no engrams, and NO GLIMMER ffs! As i know, these keys are most rarest drop in Leviathan raid, so reward for this should be like "1 exotic engram and 3 legendary". But not an empty chest. So explain me this, please. I dont want to play this sh*t anymore.



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