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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
12/18/2017 7:05:13 PM

Three of Coins Functionality

Hey all, Throughout the weekend, we’ve been monitoring player feedback concerning the recently added Three of Coins consumable offered by Xûr. We’d like to give clarification on the functionality of this item: [quote][b]When players use a Three of Coins consumable, this provides a 50% increase to the base chance of being rewarded an Exotic Engram upon activity completion. Using this consumable does not guarantee an Exotic reward upon completing a set number of activities – but rather increased chances upon each activity completion.[/b][/quote] [b]Note:[/b] We have found that Heroic Strikes do not currently grant higher chances for Exotics when using Three of Coins consumables, compared to Vanguard Strikes. We’re looking to address this with a future Hotfix, expected in early 2018. We will continue to monitor and forward feedback concerning this feature throughout the holiday season. Keep it coming! Later this week, we’ll have notes from the development team on additional feedback items that we’re looking to address in the future. Stay tuned. Cheers, -dmg04



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  • blah-blah-blah we don't test our Destiny 2 early alpha - you test it because we don't give a shit. gamble our eververse and we will bring you the new eververse to gamble yeah we know it is another bug after previous bug after previous bug but we don't care at all



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  • I played destiny 1 with 3 of coins and these are completely worthless



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    1 返信
    • I'm so happy I spent a bunch of shards on 3oC and then used them doing heroic strikes for 8 hours and didn't get a single exotic out of it. Barely got any purples really. Then again the RNG is never working in my favour anyways. Guess I'll just grind over the holidays a little more.



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    • Make the Almighty a patrol zone, with adventures and lost sectors, a strike in it. Also, add lost sectors to dark forest or a Archon forge type mode in the dark forest, and a dark forest strike. Bang! perfect free update for the ppl you pissed off. And please make a road on Mercury that takes us to another area or 2 so we can get more lost sectors and use sparrows.



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    • Orca Orcinusにより編集済み: 12/20/2017 4:25:12 PM
      Having spent a good deal of time playing Destiny since D1 beta... I have a really hard time even understanding why anyone would expect a game developer to release the actual numerical drop rates. There are plenty of things - valid things - to complain about. It is shocking how spoon-fed people expect their video game content to be... The folk being hyper-critical would have lost their minds in the first years of World of Warcraft or Star Wars Galaxies or Diablo 3, basically dozens of games that rely on random loot distribution. Those rare and unique items could be sold for real cash, compared to Destiny which has no such analog. Yet those communities played, quite avidly; despite having to determine things like drop rates on their own. If they even really cared about the actual number that badly. I have only been able to play two or three hours of D2 a few times a week. I have nearly all the exotics from the original content, except those that require Raid completion and extraordinary Nightfall times. With Xur and the little chunk of time I have to play, I now have several from the new DLC. It has been two weeks... *gasp* Such a terribly long time. Is this all about bragging rights? What makes getting exotics more critical than private matches, or even SRL? You take a gamble, you buy and use the coins - you win or lose based on a bet in your favor against the RNG. I mean, you folks do realize that Bungie obviously knows how to plot algorithms right? They did make this game and it's predecessor. I suspect they have been doing it for more years than most of the people complaining have been alive. TL; DR Unless you have enough of a statistical subset of attempts and drop rates to prove otherwise, it probably works as intended. Continue to use the forum to get some of the original D2 issues addressed instead of 27 pages about this flea speck of a problem... The mobile site is not providing a way for me to view replies at the moment and I do not have time to correct it. I will happily examine the verbal thrashing after I sign in later.



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      5 通の返信
      • If the answer is that " this item doesn't guarantee an exotic after a set number of activities" the question then becomes what is the actual drop rate for exotics as a base number? I have used several three of coins and played for all 4 hours and did multiple activities, excluding heroic strikes, and had not one single exotic drop for me. Now are we increasing the chance from .04% to .06%? (50% increase from .04%) Or are we increasing the chance by a straight 50% from 100%? Can you provide a base percentage dropo rate for exotics and the increase in base drop rate based on the buff from the three of coins? This will most likely get lost in the spam and hate but it is a legitimate question. I want to know, the community wants to know, and being more communicative means answering pertinent questions.



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        5 通の返信
        • Three of Coins is an embarrassment. You introduce a game mechanic, which no one can say if it is working or not. Most people are too scared to use them.



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        • People, wake up. They said they were going to be transparent after all the misteps they recently and repeatedly done. That is not being transparent, that is giving the appearance of transparency while withholding all the relevant information. [b]BUNGIE GETS NO MORE FREE PASSES FROM THIS COMMUNITY[/b]



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          1 返信
          • I actually got a few exotics to drop yesterday by avoiding 3 of coins. Used them before and got nothing. Avoided them and exotics seem to drop like normal. Keep the contempt for us alive Bungie, you're doing an excellent job at that at least.



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          • Ranch Waterにより編集済み: 12/19/2017 10:12:17 AM
            Thank you for being transparent and communicating. It's the first step of many.



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            2 通の返信
            • Well, that maybe your findings but it’s pretty much understood that 3oC is basically a debuff at this point. First you get caught for XP issues. Second you adjust exotic drop rates with the launch of CoO and didn’t put it in the patch notes till the first hot fix. Third you give a vague post and focus mainly on Heroic Strikes drop Chance? All this happens while on vacation....... If Eververse were handing out bright dust you guys would haul your asses in there and fix it. Give exotic drop Chance number broken down per activity. What behind the scenes number or buffs are you using. Etc.



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              5 通の返信
              • I remember when 3oC was released in D1. We found out how to exploit 3oC and could Murder/suicide a boss to farm exotics...that got patched in less than 3 days



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                1 返信
                • I don't like the way this is worded it is very unclear. So using Three of Coins gains 50% to the base CHANCE. So this leads me to believe you all are throttling reward chances as well. There is no way 50% increase in the probability of getting an exotic yields no exotic in 4 hours from activities. Even if the base percentage on every activity is 1% that is 51% chance meaning you should get about 1 exotics every 2 activities. So my question to you DmgControl04 is what are the base percentages of getting an exotic for any and all activities and do they change from activity to activity, by this i mean if i run two heroic strikes does my base "chance" to get rewarded an exotic go up or down. We have already seen bungie isn't fond of us grinding 1 activity to get loot (hence why you guys secretly throttled exp gains) So why shouldn't we believe if you do that with exp why you wouldn't do that with exotic drops?



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                  52 通の返信
                  • Please tell us what those base chances are, how they are changed and when. Please have this listed on the item so I can determine when I get the item if it's worth me getting and worth my time - so if it isn't I can choose to do something else rather than just being 'tricked' into it maybe being worth it. Please stop trying to trick your players into doing things. Let us decide if we want to play your game or not. For ToC and... everything. [b]MAKE YOUR TOOLTIPS CLEAR AND STOP BEING SO VAGUE AND SECRETIVE ABOUT THE GAME MECHANICS.[/b] Vague about the mysteries of the huge in game universe... sure, fine. Cool. But you lost a lot of trust with the xp thing. Now I know I can't take anything Bungie says at face value. So now you need to tell the players exactly what is going on with items. Reload speed buff? By how much? What %? Why is reload not display in TIME anyway? 1.2 second reload, and this mod gives a 10% buff. Show me the base reload time and the adjusted reload time - or just the adjusted and have it change when I take off/apply the mod. Show the player what they are doing, how much it changes things, or if it does at all. If you really need to hide every mechanic out of fear that if players saw it they wouldn't want to play the game,[i] then you have a much bigger issue in design and that needs to be addressed.[/i] Bungie. Stop hiding.



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                    2 通の返信
                    • Screw you bungie there are multilple sources that say 3ocs are broken and dont work you already have been caught out with the xp debacle so stop with the bullshìt



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                      3 通の返信
                      • I know someone who tested it, trying different combination stacks for 24 hours straight and not 1 exotic drop.. Did you guys pull a fasty again and nerf the drops just to create a new bait and switch to falsely pad the game more?? Past evidence says 'hell yeah you would'. IE "Bungie Just Tried Some Sneaky Business with Destiny 2" But I'm sure a cheeky "We are listening to your feedback" quickly followed by BS will be ensue shortly after.



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                        1 返信
                        • Thats BULLSHIT, and everybody knows it. How the -blam!- it increase the chances, but also make it impossible to have an exotic drop. NO ONE GOT AN EXOTIC BY USING 3OC. Hows that is increase chance?



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                          3 通の返信
                          • This is a lie i can gaurantee i get at least 2 exotics per 4 hrs of grind with out three if coins with it i cant obtain any exotics 0 per 4 hrs of grind fix itttttttt!!!!!!!!!



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                          • Damn zero likes hahaha Savage Savage.



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                          • So once again, its just a chance? C'mon man.. get your shit together Bungie. I like the game but i feel like you screw us at every turn..



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                          • It's not just strikes, 3oC doesn't seem to be working at all. I haven't gotten a single exotic over multiple 3oC, in fact it really does feel like I've gotten less with it active. In Destiny 1, they gave a clear tangible benefit. It needs to be fixed. How about instead of a static buff, we get one that increases your chance of getting a exotic after each activity. The percentage it increases by various based on what your doing, like looting chests is a lower increase than dong a strike and so one. Then once you get an exotic, the 3oC expires and then you pop another one rinse and repeat.



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                            2 通の返信
                            • in other words we'll hear some news about the ToC hotfix right before the next dlc drops



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                            • In my personal opinion this response for this 3 of coins consumable is probably one of the worst things I have ever heard from the bungee team. I'm not making that up I'm not being funny I'm just telling how I feel. These things do not work more than that it's Completely ridiculous that you guys had come out and say is working as intended if I have to play for 4 hours to not get anything multiple times it doesn't work. I don't really even know what else to say about this when I heard this I just felt like never playing again of course I will but that's how I felt



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                            • See the thing is.... [spoiler]50% of 0 is still 0 ;)[/spoiler]



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                            • I don’t understand why 3oC needed to be turned into a 4 hour “buff” the Destiny 1 version worked just fine.



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                              2 通の返信
                              • Timbaにより編集済み: 12/19/2017 3:24:29 PM
                                OMG what the fK Bungie? Why don't you test you shit before releasing it? First you scam the people with the Experience debacle. Second you scammed people with this shit DLC and lock out players that didn't buy it from doing things they were able to do before. Third, you release another bugged game feature. At this point i think you are doing things intentional. What the actual fk? You are ether very incompetent or just plain assholes. There is no way you guys can keep doing things like this. It's to late for me to boycott Destiny 2 because of the amount of hours i spent on it and the fact i already purchased your DLC season pass scam but i guarantee you I will not be getting D3 if this is how you treat your player base. I have been really patient but enough is enough. If you see an issue don't wait to fix it for weeks. We paid over $80 to get the base game and DLC and I think we deserve respect. Why wait to next month to fix something you should have tested? This kind of shit should have been dealt with the second or third day after released. Stop using your player base to beta test you crap. Get your head out of you a$$ or you will end up just like EA.



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