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12/15/2017 8:24:01 PM

[PC] [US] [Destiny 2] Light Remnants is recruiting for Curse of Osiris!

Hello fellow Guardians. We are a group of players who enjoy all things Destiny; be it [b]PVE[/b] or [b]PVP[/b]. Our members play RPGs, MMOs and FPS and range from young to old. Some are active throughout the day, but most of us come online at [b]6~ PM EST[/b] and nod off on our keyboards at [b]1~ AM EST[/b]. Requirements to become a member of Light Remnants are few, but their importance cannot be overstated. [b]One[/b], this is an adult clan and there is no tolerance for behavior that detracts from our enjoyment of this game. [b]Two[/b], we are looking only for active members in-game and social places like Discord. The use of [b]Discord[/b] for grouping/social activity is [b]mandatory[/b]. [b]Three[/b] purchase of all current DLC/Season Pass content is [b]required[/b]. [b]Recruitment status[/b]: looking for [b]305+ Power Level[/b] Guardians who are looking to do current and [i]future[/i] end game content. If you would like to join our clan send Sodium (Bungie ID: 15487125) a private message with a *[b]brief[/b]* introduction. [b]Bungie[/b]: [b]Discord[/b]: member only access



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