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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
12/15/2017 6:18:11 PM

Coins of Three, Xur Brings To Thee

We should have known when [i]D.A.R.C.I[/i] started nagging us again; that Xur would be up to something. His black [i]Heart[/i] is [i]Hallow[/i] and likely fuels the [i]Fire[/i] that drives the Nine to turn their [i]Eye[/i]'s to yet [i]Another World[/i]. We must be like a [i]Hawk[/i], ever vigilant of his actions. At [i]Night[/i] his tentacled face will occupy the shadows; regarding the [i]Celestial[/i] bodies overhead and plotting our demise.



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