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10/24/2017 3:47:26 AM

Weapon feedback

PvP wise: - More perks, selectable by accomplishing things from both PvE and PvP perspectives like X amount of dailies, weeklies, Trial flawless vs completions for additional chances to get those drops. - Guns need to have removable scopes which coordinate based on player choice. It would be ideal that we could choose scopes in correspondence to what works with people based on their experiences. - Current tier system of one primary, one energy, and one power weapon isn't going to work well. Boatloads of PvP elements feel completely stagnant. Forget how Y1 destiny had everyone using shotguns, fusions, ect., but there was variety all over the place. Now? It has literally no chance at a variety of gamer elements here (personal sentiment). Far to simplistic and bland when you ask yourself, honestly, how many different combinations might work in PvP. Competitively or casually. - Weapon variety drop rates are not going very well for me. Forget the instances of one or two repeat drops, but I literally look around and say how many times I think I've seen that dropped gun. That's basically it for now. The fact is Destiny 2 is fun, but this game needs to actually be going somewhere from where it began. 6 months with improvement dreams needs to be closer to results. Here's to hoping...



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Agreed. A good majority if not all weapons feel the same. I like the idea of adding mods to weapons but let's really add mods to them. In Destiny 1 I had the Vanquisher Auto-Rifle and my brother did as well but his had double the amount of bullets in the magazine; same gun but yet different. I would like to get a Gun and go to the Gunsmith and be able to purchase extended mags, scopes, longer or shorter barrel, rapid fire, and ofcourse energy type. I like the feeling that even though someone else has the same weapons I was able to make it my own. I also liked the perks in Destiny 1 vs various enemies in PVE which most weapons in Destiny 2 don't have. I.E +percentage damage against (insert enemy), regain health when certain enemy is killed etc etc.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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