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sister-hawkにより編集済み: 10/8/2017 8:08:21 PM

I know it's too late for Destiny 2

And I know I'm just one voice screaming into the void, but Bungie, for the love of all that is good, in future games can you please start putting the reticle back at the center of the screen? In my opinion this is one of the worst trademarks of Bungie games that has been present since Halo 2. I understand why you do it, because players tend to walk around with their reticle on the horizon line (or more accurately where the wall meets the floor) rather than eye level, so you try to make it where the ground doesn't end up filling up most of their screen. The problem is when it comes time to actually aim, you're still going to have to look up. So you should be trying to teach players to keep their reticle higher at their enemy's head level, rather than further enabling a bad habit. And if you actually do that, keep your reticle up with its current placement, you just end up staring at the sky most of the time. And since your gun takes up so much of the screen, you can barely see what's going on in front of you. In order to improve your sightline and actually see someone in the distance walking around a corner, you need to look "down" a little bit (in any other game it would just be looking forward). But then you go to aim and your shots are pointed straight at their feet. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't understand how a AAA developer can keep making the same mistake for so long without someone in the company saying, "hey, this isn't actually as good of an idea as you think it is."



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