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BNGHelp5により編集済み: 9/22/2017 8:48:09 PM
Hello all, Thank you for your reports. We have identified that creating a new character will remove keys from inventory erroneously. Additionally, Raid keys will be removed from Character inventory upon weekly reset. If you are experiencing this issue without creating a new character, please answer the following: [quote]• When did receive the keys that appear to have gone missing? • Did you return to Orbit, enter alternate activities, or open chests on alternate destinations? • Do you have any video evidence of Raid keys being removed from your inventory?[/quote] I will be forwarding information to internal teams for investigation.



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  • Just completed the raid last night, 2 of the 6 people lost their keys upon re entry of the Leviathan. My video proof: Can I get those keys back please I would like it to be possible for me to get full raid set...



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  • Lost my keys. I finish the raid while being the fireteam leader. I open map and select the levithan while being on the levithan to avoir running back to the spawn point. We spawn as usual and my keys were gone. My 5 other buddys ad their keys tho! The issu is probably selecting levithan while being on the levithan?



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  • Finished the raid for the first time earlier this week. We all went to orbit then loaded right back in. We navigated to the first chest, which I couldn't open but everyone else could. When I went back to check my inventory all three keys were gone. Very frustrating experience considering my drops during the encounters were trash.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • So I wasn't aware of this issue until just now and made a hunter Friday and lost the 6 keys I had earned with my warlocks and my titan. I certainly hope that I will be compensated 6 keys for my troubles as I already find it B.S. I have to wait a week every time I want to level up as it is.



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  • I recently created a new character not knowing I would lose my raid keys (conduit,transfer, and aqueduct). This happened on 09/30 Gamer tag: J2THE Could you replace the missing keys or grant the tokens I could of received from the chests? I spent hours completed the raid. Just seems only fair. Thank you



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  • Hello, I received my keys late Thursday night, 09/28/17. Completed all 3 raid rooms, tried to go for the final boss and ran out of time that night. Created a new character yesterday without hearing about this bug that will delete the keys. I hope you can help me find a solution. Is it possible to get these keys back to claim the real prizes for clearing those rooms at all? I would very much apperocate a response before everything re sets next week. Thanks, Will



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  • Just to clarify, I did confirm all 3 keys were in my inventory before going to bed 09/28/17. I may even have video captured proof of this. But for sure all 3 are now missing!



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  • Dear Bungie, I received 3 keys on thursday 28 september 2017. we raided from about 6 PM GMT till 8:30 PM GMT. After a few tries on calus we called it a night and returned to tower, and i logged out then. I hadnt used my keys because planned to go get the chests in the weekend. I didnt log in yesterday (Friday 29 september 2017). Now, this morning (saturday 06:00 AM GMT) I logged in, to go start on finding those chests.. but the keys weren't in my inventory anymore. Im 100% sure I did receive 3 keys on that thursday night. Please help me to get my keys back. My fireteam/clanmates still got their keys. I did the raid on my Titan. (psn: Buikpluis666) Unfortunatly I don't have any video evidence. Please help me out! Yours sincerely, Buikpluis666



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  • It's like reading my own problem haha.. Man I hope they can fix this!



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  • gamer tag is ZT Merciless on xbox one , my group had beaten the entire raid 9/28 into this morning right after we finished calus and standing in the loot room i checked, i know i had aquaduct armory and conduit key . it returned us to orbit i launched right back in to turn keys in but when we got to the chest all 3 off my keys were gone and my friends still had theirs. all i had done is re launch leviathan , i have read here that creating a new character or switching is the cause but i did not make or switch characters , i am definitely upset our best raid run still took 8 hours and i just feel cheated .



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  • My fire team and I completed the raid at approximately 8:30 pm eastern time on September 26th. Immediately after the last chest we used the travel menu to go back to the start of the leviathan. It was at about 8:40 pm on the same day that we completed the transfer area watcher sequence. I had already verified the 3 keys in my inventory at this point. We made it to the chest and I was not allowed to open it due to “transfer key required”. At that point I reopened my inventory to find that I had 0 keys from the raid while my fire team was able to open that chest along with 2 others.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Hi I experienced missing keys without logging out, creating or changing character or anything like that. I played the raid and cleared the gauntlet and earned an armory key along with my raid team. I saw the alert flash up on screen. We continued playing and attempting to do the bathers room and about half an hour later I looked in my inventory and noticed that I couldn't see a key. We continued onto the underbelly where my team was able to open the chest and I was missing a key so I couldn't. I hope you identify and fix the bug for future weeks! Thanks



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Vikmourneにより編集済み: 9/29/2017 1:13:06 AM
    We consistently had all 3 keys disappear for ONLY the Fireteam leader after the following steps (discovered after 3 weeks): 1. Fireteam completes Baths, Dogs, Gauntlet encounters and earn keys. 2. Fireteam enters Calus's room. 3. Fireteam Leader brings the Fireteam back out to orbit (with/without killing Calus). 4. Fireteam Leader brings the Fireteam back to the Leviathan raid (for the purpose of opening key chests). Result: The Fireteam Leader has lost all 3 keys. - All other Fireteam members still have their keys intact. - During this process, nobody changed characters or left the Fireteam. - This is 3/3 weeks so far. Our first two were with one Fireteam Leader weeks 1 and 2, and then we switched leaders on week 3 and found it happened with the new Fireteam Leader.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • This is the second week in a row my keys have disappeared AFTER reset. In total i've now lost over 6 keys. This most recent time though... I finished the raid on 9/27 and had 3 keys after. When we finished, I went to the tower, then I logged off. The next day I logged back in, did multiple activities (public events, crucible, strikes etc.), then booted up the raid to unlock the chests. I checked my inventory and all my keys were gone again. I did NOT create another character or whatever you claim to be the sole reason this is happening. You can check my account, I only have 1 character played on. This needs to be addressed and fixed. I'm tired of spending hours doing the raid, just to find out I can't open the chests to get my rewards.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Three Keys earned after weekly reset on Tuesday 26/9/17, completed raid today 28/9/17 and noticed all were gone from my inventory. Same for one other member of our raid group.



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  • I lost my keys after completing it and returning to orbit. It did the same for my friend I was doing the raid with. The 4 others didn’t loose their keys tho. I don’t have video evidence but I can assure you it’s true and I’m on PS4



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  • I forgot to mention that I returned back to the raid to open the chests and they were gone



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  • Both me and my friend lost all three keys after make new characters didn't know about the bug we earned them on 9/28/17 and lost them the same day we do not have video evidence we where wonder if we where gonna get compisated our Xbox gamer tags are gmh798 and Ninjaxbatman07x



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Both me and my friend lost all three keys after make new characters didn't know about the bug we earned them on 9/28/17 and lost them the same day we do not have video evidence we where wonder if we where gonna get compisated our Xbox gamer tags are gmh798 and Ninjaxbatman07x



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  • zmbaにより編集済み: 9/28/2017 7:53:21 PM
    -wednesday so nothing to do with weekly reset. -after killing calus we went orbit and straight back to raid to get chests and keys were gone. -how i supposed to have video something like that?????????? and i was the only one from the fireteam who lost keys p.s it was my very first destiny 2 raid.................................... and not made any new character there are those what came from destiny 1 but havent touched them.



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  • Same for me



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  • I received the Aqueduct key on Tuesday evening 9/26 (after reset), I returned to orbit, did alternate activities on other locations, logged out. Logged back in Wednesday 9/27, played some crucible then loaded into the raid and my Aqueduct key was gone. Also lost 3 keys the prior week when i created another character. No video.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • ilovethailandにより編集済み: 9/28/2017 6:04:05 PM
    Completed the raid Tuesday around 1 or 2 pm est on my warlock, gamertag tonitwotoes on Xbox one, the date was 09/26/2017 had 3 keys after defeating calus, logged off my warlock and into my titan next thing I know all my keys have disappeared forever



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • I completed the raid yesterday and received all three keys but after defeating Calus and going to the Tower I realized none of the keys were in my inventory. I did not create any new characters or do anything other than return to the tower upon completing the raid. None of my fireteam lost their keys other then me.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • (USA PST zone) Played the raid on the day of reset, post-reset. Ontained 3 keys but could not beat Calus. So we planned for the next day. We may have went to tower after to see the legendary engrams we looted. I have lost 3 keys as well. Drain. Conduit. And one more i forgot. PSN: Ethrun



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