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Destiny について話し合おう
9/19/2017 6:13:43 AM

Pros and cons list

Ok like the title suggests this is list of pros and cons imho. You can feel free to disagree with me or what ever. But this is my opinion on d2 thus far. PRO's list PvE content. This has been fantasic and so addictive. The Lore in game and scanning items. The progression system. Its been fuilid and fun to play with. The VA. All of the VA and Score is amazing and extremely immersive. Side mission's. There are plenty and all have rewards that are at least decent. The hubs/world are expansive and gorgeous. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Con's The weapons system. Feel free to argue this one until you are blue in the face idfc. This by far has been the single worse thing I have ever delt with in a game. I have been playing shooting games sense doom amd snipers and shotguns have always been secondary guns for a reason. Because they fit that role perfectly. They are NOT heavy weapons by any means get over it and let others enjoy playing with the guns they love. PvP. Where to start. First off its 2017 there is no excuse to release a game now a days with anything less than 4 game modes especially from a company like bungie. Its lazy and anti consumer. Halo Halo 2 3 reach all started there games with more than 4 game multiplayer game modes. It is complete BS destiny doesnt at least have 4. And not everybody like 4v4 matter a fact its getting irritating to only have 4 spots available. Fireteams. Now this one you can argue with but I have a personal issue with the fact bungie keeps saying we want more people to play together we want players to do all kinds of things together. But then Every time we all want to do something. Its. * Im sorry we all ready have 3 people.* We have proper clans now. Why cant we get content that utilizes it. Supers/abilities. Every game has its gimmick and destinys was supers and whick RPG abilities to make you feel like a powerful badass Gardian of light. Not anymore now i feel like a COD soilder huddled up as a team shooting down a corridor working like a hive mind. It sucks and is boring as hell. And the finale The broken raid system. I actually love the token system. But the whole i have to beat a raid before using them makes me not want to bother even. Whats the point of progressing through if all i am going to get are tokens I cant spend. I can get better gear from public events in a faster time frame with better results and less of a headache. Anyways feel free ro say your peace down below but this destiny has actual2 driven me back to d1 crucible sadly.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • I will say the loot system seems is too complex. Like the tokens are a cool idea but why does it drop lower than my light? Especially in trials and the raid. Like why when I beat a segment in the raid aren't I rewarded with random set gear instead of here's keys for a chest somewhere or tokens. Plus exotic engram's are ridiculous with them turning out to be duplicates after I grind for days to get one because it seems they hardly drop since ultras dont drop them anymore. The loot system seems to be weird in this game for me to grind this much.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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