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9/18/2017 11:24:25 PM

About the Chest Lockout

So Bungie, I know a forum post about this has been given over 15 times and they have all seemed quite popular on the trending page for a bit but I think it's time for you to understand how irritating it is. 1. Why give us Scout Reports for each location to explore if we are going to be penalized for doing what YOU ENCOURAGE? Farming should be rewarded, not insulted and shamed. 2. You can get 4 chests within a span of 2 minutes if you do that you're locked out of loot for over a minute. It doesn't sound like much but it adds up over time and seeing chests now giving me loot and having to wait around a chest and it's pretty stupid if I have to say. 3. You can solve this problem by resetting the regional chests weekly and or give them new locations so that it takes some time to get the coins. 4. I'm trying to get the Io set for my Titan and I am one piece off, I have been one piece off forever and spending 100's of tokens after farming them for an extended amount of time and having to be forced to wait is more than unfair. 5. I'm going to provide more evidence from your go to forum site instead of your own to support my viewpoint because the game has had about three updates since launch and you seem to not care about this very vital bug that harms many players [url][/url] 147 comments on this post complaining about the problem that needs addressing [url][/url] a post on your own site [url][/url] [url][/url] This had over 516 up votes 6. Knowing how easy it is to go unnoticed by Bungie heck even the forums sometimes I would expect this to not go far but hey you never know



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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